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The Furtive Teacher
Salvia divinorum (5x extract)
Citation:   Frodolives. "The Furtive Teacher: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (5x extract) (exp2642)". Nov 6, 2001.

  smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 5x)
Salvia Divinorum is a most unusual substance. Having happened upon information concerning Salvia on Erowid, I ordered 1 Gram of Daniel Siebert's 5x concoction. I have used Salvia perhaps 5 times now, with last night being the most powerful trip. I turned off all the lights except my computer monitor, which was alive with a program called Acid Warp. This gave me just enough light to see where my lighter was going. I took a very small amount of the salvia (probably less than 100 mg) and began to smoke it in a homemade pipe. (*Here I must pause. If you are not a smoker, you will most likely find that salvia smoke is quite harsh! Not to dissuade any of you would-be explorers, but just a word of warning. Luckily, the 5x leaf requires only a couple of small inhalations.) Back to the trip. I took the pipe, lit my lighter, exhaled all the air in my lungs, held the lighter to the Salvia, and inhaled as much as I could hold. I held this lungful for ~30 seconds. I exhaled and finished the Salvia with another hit.

By this time I felt prickly all over my body and I began to salivate heavily. I would recommend that anyone who smokes Salvia does so sitting or reclining, because as soon as the Salvia takes hold of you, you are VERY unsteady on your feet. I was smoking in a chair and it was a great effort to get to my bed which was only a couple feet away. With lights out, some mild Closed Eye Visuals came to me. Then it hit.

The strange thing with Salvia is that it is so subtle. All the times that Salvia has worked for me, I was tripping and didnt know it. I will try and explain. Here I was, lying in bed with my eyes closed in the dark, just after smoking. Suddenly, I'm on a operating table. There are faint shapes surrounding me. I can hear voices around me. They are all female. (This aspect of salvia really amazes me. I cannot fathom how this plant can make female entities appear in 95% of trips for EVERYBODY who used it!!) As unusual as the transition from dark bedroom to operating room is, this did not seem strange at all. In fact, I spoke (or thought) to one of the people there, a woman laying next to me on the table. 'Hey, why doesnt this stuff ever work?' I asked. She gave me this strange look, winked, and started laughing.

Eventually the operating room vanished and I began to float through some kind of space where there bright lights. In this place, I could make my surroundings change by willing them to do so. Unfortunately, this part is quite fuzzy. When the trip was over, I gradually regained my senses and sat back in the chair.

Salvia is unlike any drug I have ever tried because it doesnt feel like you are under the influence of something. I feel that it is most akin to falling asleep for 5 min and having the most real set of dreams you have ever had. I'm sure some of you have had dreams so powerful that you wake up confused. Though I have not had a 'mindblower' yet where reality completely melts away, I have experienced enough to want one. Good luck to the rest of you. Be safe. peace.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 2642
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 6, 2001Views: 8,488
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Salvia divinorum (44) : General (1), Entities / Beings (37), Alone (16)

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