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Had a Blast
Citation:   DaMole. "Had a Blast: An Experience with Ketamine (exp26429)". Dec 12, 2005.

T+ 0:00
50 mg insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:00   repeated insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 12:00   smoked Cannabis  
I believe that it is of immense importance to understand a few things before reading about this experience. It mainly involves two people: myself and my closest friend. I am a fairly seasoned drug user with previous experiences using marijuana, LSD, ecstasy, cocaine, PCP, and some over-the-counter drugs. My friend is a much more experienced user who, in addition to his occasional pleasure use has had severe addiction problems in the past with crystal meth and oxycoton.

Over the summer of 2003 I used ketamine for the first time. The experience was both positive and life-changing. My closest friend and I decided somewhat whimsically to get some ketamine after a concert we had rather whimsically decided to go to only a few days before. We considered the option of going to the downtown area of the city where the concert was held and my friend's connection lived because it would be a much better party than anything my home town has to offer. We then decided it would be smarter to drive home and do it since it would be my first time.

My friend had talked to me many times before about how much fun ketamine was and my interest was aroused, but I was also skeptical for several reasons. I knew that my friend had used ketamine at the same time that he was abusing crystal meth and I was afraid that it was just as addictive and just as dangerous to use for recreational purposes. In addition, my friend and I had recently been partying a little too much and I was fearful of feeding an increasing drug problem.

My fear had mostly been quelled by this date; however, for several reasons. I had asked my father, an anesthesiologist, about ketamine. He informed me that it was still used in the operating room on occasion, particularly when the patient was allergic to a more commonly used anesthetic. I also learned that the main reason its use on humans had lessened over the years was because of the hallucinogenic side effects leading people to believe that they had out-of-body experiences, talked to God and other nonsensical things. I had also done research on web sites about the drug. So at this point, I was pretty confident that it would be safe to try.

We obtained 1 g of uncut ketamine in powder form from my friend's connection and then began the drive home. My friend began taking it in the car in order to take advantage of my very excessive car stereo system. During the two hour drive I watched my friend as he danced (as much as one can in the front seat of a car) very fluidly and without causing any kind of damage or problem. In the midst of my anticipation I called a woman I knew, who was into drugs and invited her to join us.

When we arrived at my apartment about 2:30am I could hardly wait. I turned on the music (mostly DJ Trashy and DJ Acid) and got started. To begin I snorted a line of about 50 mg. Shortly after I began to feel a little different, but I wasn't feeling the full effects, so I did another similarly sized line. About 45 minutes after the initial dose I very suddenly began to lose control of my motor skills. This was completely unlike any feeling I had ever received from a drug. I was stumbling and a little confused, but then, just as suddenly, I began to focus on the music and 'let go' so to speak.

My body began to flow with the beat of the music almost effortlessly. I found myself expressing my feelings in ways I had never been able to. I had rarely even attempted to dance and had certainly never succeeded before. It was as if I had unlocked a door to a sense of creative expression I had lost long ago. I found myself flawlessly executing complex breakdance steps in no time and I couldn't help but move with the beat. My friend joined me shortly. Having never practiced or even talked about it, we were able to coordinate dance moves with each other all the while moving fluidly and flawlessly.

The only slightly disturbing part of the experience happened near the beginning. As the music pounded in my chest, seeming to become a part of me while expressing myself in ways I never have, I suddenly felt what I can only describe as 'something not being quite right.' I wandered through my apartment almost drawn by an unknown force to my roommate's bedroom and then slowly into the corner where her stereo sat. I walked closer to the stereo, not quite understanding why, still able to hear the music booming from the living room loud and clear. When I was about two feet away from it, I could suddenly make out a little static and the faint voice of some country music station DJ. My roommate had left her stereo on. I turned it off, felt better, and returned to my partying. Either it's a hell of a coincidence or I could actually feel the disturbance from two rooms away, over my pounding techno. I cannot explain this.

I had given a similar sized line to the woman who came over. I had not seen her for months and we had not been close in even longer. I noticed her sitting on the couch, looking slightly paranoid, a little nervous and very confused. I'm not sure if this was due to her fear of the drug or her lack of comfort around me because of our past. By this time I had pretty much gained complete control and was much more aware of what was going on. When I tried to gently persuade her to join in our fun, she was pretty unreceptive. She got up for maybe a total of 10 minutes the entire time. She said something along the lines of she kind of had fun, but it was really weird.

My friend and I continued to take smaller doses approximately every 30 minutes. At around 6:00am we decided it was time to call it quits for the night and get some rest. When I lay down in bed I had quite a ringing in my ears from all the abuse they had received the evening before at the concert. This was quickly solved by putting on some soft music to concentrate on as I feel right to sleep.

My friend and I woke up in the early afternoon feeling great. We went to get cappucinos, returned home and resumed partying. We still had more than half of the ketamine left. Another buddy of mine stopped by, tried a little. He was very receptive and had a great time off of no more than 50 mg. In short, we partied for another few hours in the same fashion. When the ketamine was wearing off, we decided to smoke a blunt to calm us down. That does NOT mean that we felt wired and edgy. It was just so much fun that it was difficult to stop dancing. I found myself sitting down and without any thought, beginning to move my hands to the beat again.

There was not even the slightest discomfort coming down. I was well rested and in class the next day feeling more free and alive than ever before. I had a new zest for life and learning. My confidence level, particularly in a social sense was higher than I could ever remember it being. My friend and I talked about it later and decided to stay clear headed and sober for school from now on, which was quite an amazing thing coming from two people who had recently been putting the 'Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas' guys to shame. We made plans to go out and party in a couple of months. I am now making better grades entering my junior year of college, studying physics, than I have since I was in elementary school. In addition, the ability to express myself and the dance moves I learned have stuck with me. This was definitely one of the most positive experiences of my life. I haven't taken any other chemical drug since and I severely cut back on my pot smoking.

I stretched out about 400mg over the entire thing and had an incredible time. It's not necessary to do as much as I can to get incredibly messed up.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 26429
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 12, 2005Views: 22,860
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Ketamine (31) : First Times (2), Multi-Day Experience (13), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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