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No Regrets
Salvia divinorum
Citation:   E-Mag. "No Regrets: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (exp26472)". Feb 20, 2006.

1.0 g smoked Salvia divinorum (dried)
My drug experiences have included cocaine, meth, mushrooms, special k, and alot of weed, but this is the first encounter i have ever had with salvia.

It all started one day when me and my friend D decided we wanted to try something new, so i suggested salvia. We agreed and went to the local bong shop where salvia is sold and bought one gram. We both knew we were in for a fun night...

Before trying any new substance, I always consult erowid and research. I found out many things about salvia which contributed to my preparation: We cleaned out the bong and the bowl so it was in perfect order, found a quiet park to go to with little distraction and obtained high quality dried salvia leaves. Having everything ready to go we eagerly went to the park. D went first. He inhaled one fully packed bowl, blew it out, taking one of equal size right after exhaling. I quickly asked him 'What are you feeling?' 'Are you tripping?' He couldnt talk! Seeing how messed up my laughing friend was made me want to try it instantly so i packed my 2 bowls and took them the same as D. The trip begins...

Trip: I instantly started laughing uncontrollably. I try to start talking but the words arent coming out right. At this point a truly unbeleivable thing happened. D told me to get up and follow him into the field, and it was a complete deja vu. I could actually predict what D was going to say and do next and he did it. So I followed him into the field and I couldn't stand up straight. It was like some force was pushing sideways on me and eventually i fell. After this i figured that I wasnt high enough so i decided to go back to the smoking area to take a few more hits. It took me a few minutes to find it because for a second i completely forgot where i was and what i was doing. After a few minutes I got the bong took a few more hoots and went into D's house. I got inside his house and took one more large hit. By this point I was sweating and looking at a picture above his fireplace which appeared to be getting further away. As i focused on it I could feel my body move with it. Weird.

The whole experience lasted over the period of about an hour. I really underestimated the intensity of this substance and it was nothing like what I predicted it to be. Some really weird things happened when i was tripping, and when I look back now, I dont think I realized how fucked up it was. Like trying any new substance, salvia was an adventure, although I dont think I'd ever pay for it again. I would recommend trying it to anyone. As for me, I have no regrets.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 26472
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 20, 2006Views: 5,015
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2)

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