LSD And A 12 Year Old's World View
Citation:   Obleo's Friend. "LSD And A 12 Year Old's World View: An Experience with LSD (exp26486)". Jan 9, 2018.

2 hits sublingual LSD (blotter / tab)
I was twelve years old when I took my first and last dose of 'Acid'(LSD). I never wanted the experience again even though the drug produced a euphoric state and was gentle to me. My visual sense was distorted. Everything took on the look of a reflection in a shiny doorknob or christmas ball. I was not disturbed by this, rather I understood that the drug was causing me to perceive things this way. But my thoughts took it a step further. I came to the conclusion that my experience of the world was defined by my perspective at any given moment. Right then, LSD was altering my sensual perception and that experience felt equal in validity to my everyday experience of the world.
LSD was altering my sensual perception and that experience felt equal in validity to my everyday experience of the world.
LSD had its own experience of being in the world. The world I usually inhabited suddenly became an agreed upon way of structuring our experience. I understood that it was necessary to agree to a structure.

At twelve I had wondered about the meaning of the word 'mean'. I had gone around asking all the adults I knew. But none of their answers addressed the real question. Now staring at a active mosaic pattern on the wall, I realized that something means something only in the context of an agreed upon structure.

LSD had allowed my twelve year old mind to see that the world is, in a sense' created by beliefs and those beliefs are tied to the way we structure experience.

I knew then that truth was relative.

I never desired LSD again.

Exp Year: 1973ExpID: 26486
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 9, 2018Views: 2,604
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LSD (2) : First Times (2), Unknown Context (20)

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