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Recognizing Raindrops
H. B. Woodrose
by Jens
Citation:   Jens. "Recognizing Raindrops: An Experience with H. B. Woodrose (exp26533)". Oct 17, 2007.

6 seeds oral H.B. Woodrose (seeds)
I am 16 yrs. old, 190cm tall weighing about 55 kg. I've been meditating since I was nine. This was my first experience with hallucinogens. Alcohol just fucks up my balance, and hemp has no effect on me worth mentioning. I ate six seeds shortly after dinner. I took a piece of ginger first, to avoid nausea. That trick might have worked since I experienced no nausea whatsoever, but I usually don't get nausea anyway.

After about half an hour, I decided to go to the city: There was a giant street party with more than twenty bands performing on several stages. One of my friend was there and I wanted someone to sit by just in case. There was still no profound effect as I sat in the bus. I noticed the colors seemed more beautiful, and my fantasy slowly started playing with all the shadows and reflections. As I arrived and tried to contact my friend, my cell phone went dead. I didn't really care anymore since I was getting preoccupied with the lights, sounds and the sparks from the giant bonfire.

The following couple of hours I spent enjoying the scenery, walking around between people as the amount of real hallucinations increased. After a while, it was getting more and more difficult to see things from far away. People turned to siluets, voices, beats, rythms and other fragments from the music blended together and entered my vision, making patterns and surfaces I could almost feel in my body. I lost my sense of near and far. For a while, I lost awareness of everything else altogether, a stream of pictures, shapes, colors flowing before my eyes. And finally all I could see was a green ring broken in four places.

At this point I managed to get a grip on myself; I thrusted my umbrella into the ground, and sat down on the spot. I must've looked really funny. At this point I was seriously afraid of going crazy, dying or worse. Somehow I managed to walk over and sit down on something, leaning my head onto a white surface. As I looked onto the surface, I realized it was sprinkled with raindrops. I don't think I've ever been as happy in my entire life, than when I recognized (consider that word) those raindrops.

Then I slowly started putting things back together. I repeated for myself, that the sun would rise again, and I would somehow manage. It seemed to work. Soon I knew that I was sitting on some sort of trailer. And after a while I recognized the restaurant I was sitting in front of. As I started to walk homeward, I felt in love with everyone and everything in the entire world. I was sooo happy to be alive. I managed to control my hallucinations from that point, but my sense of time was still extremely distorted. I thought I had waited for the for an hour but when I checked my watch, only three minutes had gone by.

My attitude towards life has changed, and I have learned a thing or two about reality. Although it was a very frightening experience, I do not regret it. I might even try it again under different circumstances. I've planted one of the seeds in my room; I don't know if I'll ever use it for anything, but its a nice way to commemorate something I'll never forget.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 26533
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 17, 2007Views: 6,538
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H.B. Woodrose (26) : First Times (2), Mystical Experiences (9), Glowing Experiences (4), Festival / Lg. Crowd (24)

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