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Just Another House Party
Citation:   kazra. "Just Another House Party: An Experience with AMT (exp26679)". Sep 8, 2003.

120 mg oral AMT (powder / crystals)
I've had much experience with AMT, as I was foolish enough to purchase 1000mg for personal use. I had taken it 4 times previous to this 120mg dose, each time being 60mg-80mg. The AMT I recieve is Canadian in origin and 99.6% pure. I no longer consume the substance, after consistantly eatting small doses daily for 6 days. I have 'experienced' this substance a total of around 15 times, with a total of around 1200mg-1300mg.

The drug is certainly not instantaneous, and the worst mistake to make with it is 're-dosing', thinking that what you took was not enough to get the desired affect from it. Depending on body weight and dose amount, I usually noticed changes in my perception around 2 hours after consumption. This particular large dose was a party of sorts, consisting of around 7 people who also consumed an ample amount of the drug, a little under 100mg. One person, referred to as 'Tig', dosed higher than myself, and dosed 150mg.

Personally, I find that I enjoy a majority of the trip simply laying somewhere comfortably, grinding my teeth and rolling around, sprawling my body out. Rooms that have walls with intricate designs can be fun to look at. Every hour or so periodically, a charger of N20 was consumed. AMT and N2O is one of the most amazing combinations I have ever experienced. One thing about AMT, is that it is difficult (near impossible) to sleep on when you have a decent amount of it in your system.

Around 5 hours into the trip, a half gram or so of pot is smoked by each person on AMT, followed by the periodic N2O hit. For the cigarette smokers out there who are contemplating trying AMT, menthol cigarettes are recomended, but that is just a personal preference of mine.

Throughout each experience, when I am around other people also on the substance, I will babble obsceneties that I will not mention here, but would often refer to ejaculate of an animal and 'baloons'. I believe the association with the baloon part of it had something to do with the N2O.

As I lay on the carpeted floor, sprawled out in an infinitely comfortable manner, I gazed at the walls. They began to swirl around in a vortex-ish fashion. Electronic drum&bass music in the background being played on turntables was a great feeling, feeling the bass hit from the tower speakers.

Around 9 hours into the trip, I had a sudden burst of energy, and logged into port 6000; a MUD. At this time, since I was at a computer, I began recording quotes.

[You OOC] 'The yellowish swirls of a male foul (chicken, goose, etc) species around the anus can be exploited to make butter with.'

[You OOC] 'You know you've got it bad when you've got money, drugs, and can't pimp out a gorilla that seems infatuated with the zipper on your pants. Guess nothing is cheap these days, even gorilla sex.'

Shortly afterward, I returned downstairs and resumed my sprawling out on the floor. I was around 10 hours into the trip at this point. I closed my eyes, and had extreme red, yellow and blue triangle swirls around what would normally be my line of sight. It was at this time that I had remembered about the 'thing' that always happened to me when I'm on this substance.

The first night I consumed this, I was outside and looked into the ground. I saw 3 triangles, each a different color. My mind began to associate the triangles with the 'Triforce' in the Zelda series for Nintendo. Ever since this first association, something had always triggered my memories of this first vision. That same night, a former friend attempted to commit suicide. I spent most of that trip in a hospital waiting room. Despite the suicide attempt, I found that waiting room to be most enjoyable to be in. I was there with somebody else who was also on AMT. He enjoyed it as well, as far as I could tell.

Shortly after this 'triangle trigger' occured, I dazed off and completely lost track of time. By the time I became concious from the daze, I was 16 hours into the trip. At this time, I could definately tell that the peak was coming to an end, but the trip still had several more hours to it.

I stood up, and consumed more THC along with a cigarette. After smoking, I sprawled out yet again. It was at this point that I remember nothing until I was around 95% of the way to being sober. It was a great experience, as all my AMT experiences have been.

In conclusion, I would recomend this drug to anybody wanting to experiment with 'trip' drugs, but fear what negative side affects LSD may potentially have. The only real unpleasant part is having the taste of it in your mouth during the first hour after consumption. It unfortunately leaves a very bad taste in your mouth, and I often think that any nausea that may occur is related to this taste. The drug offers mild hallucinations along with mild MDMA-like happiness, along with a 3rd party experience that can only and simply be described as different. AMT is great, and when combined with N2O, can open up entirely 4th dimensional trains of thought; enlightenment.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 26679
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 8, 2003Views: 10,053
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AMT (7) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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