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Twitchy Time
Citation:   JellyBean. "Twitchy Time: An Experience with Diphenhydramine (exp26763)". Oct 17, 2007.

15 capsls oral Diphenhydramine (capsule)
I had taken Benadryl before. The first time I ever took them, I took 5. I felt a slight head change and enjoyed the feeling. Each time I took Benadryl, I increased the amount I took. The second time, I took 8, the third, 12, and the last time I took them, I took 15 and tripped out.

Heres the story:

One morning, after talking to my boyfriend, I wanted to get high and I didn't care how. I didn't have anything around the house, nor any money. Right next door to me is a general store. So, I walked over there and glanced through the medicine. I spotted a box of Benadryl Allergy. As I reached the steps to my house and stepped in the door, I noticed that my parents were gone. I decided now would be the best time to take them. Walking back to my room, pulling the box out of my pocket, I look over them and wonder how many to take. I figured since I took 12 the last time, I should up my dosage. I count out 15 and break them out of the protective seal. I grabbed my glass of water and took all 15 at once.

After I took them, I checked the time and it was around 11:14am. I went and layed on my bed waiting for them to kick in. Well, as I lay there, I started to feel extremely tired. I glanced over at the clock once more and noticed that a good 20 minutes had went by and I didn't feel anything. I decided I would go to sleep since I felt so tired. I turned over and closed my eyes. I slept for what felt like hours on top of hours, but when I had woke up, I looked over and noticed I was only asleep for exactly 7 mintues. I looked around and noticed I had a head change and couldn't stop twitching. I sat up and I felt like I had bugs crawling all over me, so I jumped up and started smacking myself all over my body.

After I had realized there was nothing on me, I sat back down and I started having tremors. My left arm would jerk, and feel like it was falling asleep and I had to constantly move it. I layed down on the bed and tried to go back to sleep, but I had failed. I was tripping out bad. I felt itchy all over my body and when I would goto scratch, my whole body would jump and jerk before it would allow me to scratch. I gave up on trying to go to sleep and I stood up walking into the kitchen. I noticed I was stumbling as I walked and my vision was extremely blurry and I couldn't even read the cereal I had grabbed from the cabinet. I stood there for a minute trying to make it out and started to feel like I wanted to just jump out of my skin. I couldn't stand still. I had to walk around and swing my arms around or else it felt like they went to sleep.

By now it was about quarter til' noon and the effects were strong. I was worried my parents would come home and see me acting like a complete fool swinging my arms around and shaking my legs as I walked. I kept walking around the house for a good hour and a half. The effects slowly started wearing off and my body was twitching and jerking as bad as it was. I started walking to my room and all of a sudden, my arm had a spasm and slung out, hitting the wall, and me having no control. I screamed in pain because our walls have them pointy things on them(not sure what it's called). I looked at my hand and noticed it was bleeding, but didn't care and continued walking to my room.

When I got into my room, I shut the door and fell face first onto my bed. I wanted to goto sleep so the drugs effects would go away. I turned over laying on my back and closed my eyes. My legs started to feel like they were going to sleep before I was and it would make me jerk my legs. I tried to ignore the feeling and successfully fell asleep. After I woke up, I looked at the clock and it was 2 in the morning and I was up all night. That was the first time the effects from the drug had been like that. I didn't like my body twitching and jerking and me not being able to control it. But over all, I loved it.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 26763
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 17, 2007Views: 9,683
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Diphenhydramine (109) : General (1), Alone (16)

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