Palm Trees
by k
Citation:   k. "Palm Trees: An Experience with Cannabis (exp2677)". Nov 24, 2001.

2 hits smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I went to my friend's sister's new apartment one weekend in march. It had been a crazy weekend of getting drunk and partying. My friend's sister is in college so I knew we would either be drinking or smoking.

We walk into her apartment to find only one of her roommates. I grab a beer out of the fridge and sit down. Her sister quickly asks me if I want to smoke. I say sure, but refuse the use of a huge bong, because it looked too overwhelming. She comes back into the room with a mushroom shaped bowl that was from Woodstock 99. She packs it up for me and shows me a tiny carb. All the while everyone else is drinking beers.

We turn on South Park The Movie for laughs, and I begin to smoke. For some odd reason I took in this weed different from any other time. It was as if the smoke was the air and all I was doing was taking a huge relaxing breath. I exhale my first hit after holding it in for a decent 30 seconds. I blow it out of my nose and instantly my eyes swell and start to shut. I think nothing of it and take another hit. By this time I'm insanely high.

I watch South Park and laugh at stupid shit, not realizing yet that I'm so high, and not fully understanding why I'm so tired. Somehow I thought it was shitty weed and I wouldn't feel a thing.

Soon I get distracted and begin to talk to my friend's sister. I come up with this crazy idea that she has an accent and that she sounds exactly like my cousins. As I'm talking with her, she points out that I look 'really stoned.' I begin to lose my train of thought and the entire point to the accent bullshit. Then it hits me! fuck! I'm soo high!!! I proceed to bug the fuck out and tell my friend that we have to leave. I cause an uproar, and begin to insist the weed is laced (either it was laced, or it was just damn good). My friend's sister is saying it's not, but I continue to believe it is. If I think back, my friend and her sister were probably trying to calm me down, but I felt like they were annoyed with me the entire time, so it made things way worse.

I walk into the kitchen and begin to complain of nausea, and also I start to whine in a helpless tone for someone to stay with me, someone help me, I'm out of my fucking mind and have not a clue what to do.

My friend and her sister take me into a roommate's bedroom that has red lights done all around the ceiling. This was a damn good idea, it was a calming place to take me and it helped, but slowly. I tell these whack-ass stories about people that make no sense, but everyone is acting interested. I'm cool with that. On occasion the nausea comes back, so I have to kick my legs to try and forget about it. I must have looked like a real mental case.

My friend and her sister leave the room and let me calm down. I close my eyes and think about suicide and the world in general being chunked together in a pyramid. My mind is racing and I'm thinking mostly about death. I open my eyes to stop it. I shut them again and see palm trees everywhere. Palm trees?? Don't ask, I have no clue. Finally I say to myself, you have to stop, get up, drive and get home.

I walk into the kitchen where water and rice is waiting for me. Still shaken up, I drink, but barely touch the rice. I spend forever trying to find my car keys when they are in front of my face the entire time. My friend and I get in my car. She is concerned, I had never driven high before. I get in, start my car and drive. I had never felt such a great feeling, the wheel spinning as I made a turn, my Paul Oakenfold and Sascha bumping perfectly. This experience was terrible, yet thrilling and calming at the same time. I was just really high, and after the scary peak, I came down slow, but such a dope slow. It was nuts.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 2677
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 24, 2001Views: 8,985
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Cannabis (1) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Difficult Experiences (5)

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