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Life the Universe and Everything
Cannabis & Alcohol
Citation:   Shaun. "Life the Universe and Everything: An Experience with Cannabis & Alcohol (exp27099)". Apr 20, 2018.

  smoked Cannabis (tar / resin)
I'd been smoking dope regularly for a few years with no bad side effects, in fact it had improved my social life greatly, I was confident, had cool friends and happy with my world. Then one night...

It was Saturday evening, me and one of my buddies had been loafing around all day watching tv and getting stoned on resin. We were watchin a crummy game show when it suddenly hit me: this was all bullshit, not just the show but everything around me, my whole life. Somebody was controlling all I could see and everybody I knew. I may have imagined it but the game show host then said 'he's finally worked it out', everything went quiet and that's when I lost it. The realization that I knew everything hit me like a train, 'you fucking bastards' was all I kept saying. My mate asks if I'm ok, I’m on my feet pacing round the room thinking what are THEY going to do with me now? Simple: raid the house and stick me in jail, that's what the police are there for, they'll either kill me or re-program me. I tell my friend he's all part of it and leave.

On the way home everyone I see knows that I know but I get home ok and go to bed waiting for a knock on the door. I must have slept but don't remember. Next day everything appears normal so I decide it must have been me just freaking out as the alternative is too scary.

I've never touched the stuff since, knowing that deep down I must have some form of psychosis.
I've never touched the stuff since, knowing that deep down I must have some form of psychosis.
If I were brave I'd probably see a shrink to get to the bottom of it but prefer to let it lie.

The strength of paranoia I had that night still scares me when I think about it. Good job it was 20 years before The Matrix.

Exp Year: 1980ExpID: 27099
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 20, 2018Views: 1,342
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Cannabis (1), Alcohol (61) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Bad Trips (6), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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