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Tastes Like Laughter
by god
Citation:   god. "Tastes Like Laughter: An Experience with LSD (exp27292)". Oct 3, 2003.

3 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
When time is measured by a rapidly accelerating heartbeat, seconds start racing so fast they become a blur and it's so easy to reach out your eyes and touch it and it sounds so brass like somebody smashed their face against a cymbal, then suddenly you're a song. It's a pink song with faded green edges. You can press your hands against your belly until your stomach sucks them in and you can feel that pink song, soft and slimy like a fetus inside of you. You pull it out with a gasp that echoes in your nostrils and it pulses in your palm like the heartbeat in your thumb. There's nothing to do except swallow this song and listen to the way the pink feels, cottony and vibrating down your throat, through your spinal chord, chilling your back to your toes and resting somewhere in the vicinity of your liver, where it throbs to the tempo of time and your heart. Every trip is one moment, perpetual and unified by three smiling faces, wavering in the rainbow-tracer air. (Every moment is a trip.) All the shadows become livid and pounce into patches of watery space that taste like laughter, echoing ceaslessly for five timeless hours.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 27292
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 3, 2003Views: 34,971
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