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A Jaguar Called Yopo
Anadenanthera colubrina
Citation:   javier bilbao. "A Jaguar Called Yopo: An Experience with Anadenanthera colubrina (exp27308)". Oct 4, 2003.

0.75 seeds insufflated Anadenanthera colubrina (powder / crystals)
I had thought about yopo for sometime. I read all about on the internet, and I read a few different books about hallucinogenic snuffs in south america, like the shaman and the jaguar by reichel-dolmatoff. I had also seen documentary movies of the yanomami, and footage of hallucinogenic snuff use.

a little over an hour was spent on preparation. during preparation I felt as if I was already feeling yopo's strength. the mix of listening to very ambient and relaxing music, and focusing on the seed preparation had by itself created an altered state of consciousness.

I took four seeds and heated them in a small pan very slowly over a candle flame. the seeds inflated and then popped. I heated them slowly periodically checking to see if the were still soft. after twenty minutes or so, they were hard and crunchy, and I ground them up in a small mortar and pestle. I laid it out on a surface, separated it into two equal piles and made an equal sized pile of preground dry limestone paste powder. I got the limestone paste at a Thai grocery store a week earlier. so the mix was 2 part yopo, one part lime. I put it all back in the mortar pestle, and continued grinding until it was very fine. then I spread it out on a surface and made six lines, each was about an inch long. I had already made a device for snuffing using a pecan and a short thin bamboo tube.

after a few minutes of silence in semi darkness, I snuffed one line in my left nostril hard and fast and OUCH!! it stung and burned so hard I yelped holding my nose with my hand. of course I knew it was going to be very painful. the pain was mixed with a very high pitched whistle or ringing that I heard softly. then I started feeling the nausea, it wasnt normal nausea, nausea is the only thing I could call it though, it made my body ache, it was overwhelming. then the dmt started to take action, this was probably two minutes after it went in my nose. visuals, I got tons of visuals (closed eye), it was a flood of colorful geometric visuals, sometimes moving with a quick pace sometimes slowing down with a ring in my ears, but very intense and all the time the nausea was increasing, which felt terribly uncomfortable and the pain up my left nostril was close to unbearable. during the peak it got to the point where I was begging the nausea to go away. I ran to the bathroom and simultaneasly coughed and vomited a little. all the while I was tripping hard like I would after smoking some dmt.

a few minutes later I vomited a whole lot more. then I began to feel better, and as long as I layed still the slight nausea and pain didnt bother me, so I was able to enjoy and explore the visuals which, although I felt the peak was coming down, were still nonetheless going hard. I got many visuals, and it took form too, it wasnt just geometric stuff I would see stuff like faces or eyes. I was lying there for almost an hour with plenty to see, and the effects wore off over the next two hours or so.

im very happy with my yopo experience because it worked, it worked very well. I know it was a small dose, but this is like coming face to face with a growling jaguar. I have a feeling that this kind of experience would be good for breaking bad habits or addictions.

I must say that I knew the limestone paste was essential and would make my yopo strong. I have heard that this was the reason many people do not get much dmt effect. thats a big thing I want to stress with this report, because yopo works and is highly hallucinogenic, but you need to prepare it right.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 27308
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 4, 2003Views: 47,281
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Anadenanthera colubrina (139) : Alone (16), Difficult Experiences (5), Preparation / Recipes (30)

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