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Don't Be Bold
Citation:   Digger. "Don't Be Bold: An Experience with 5-MeO-DMT (exp27601)". Dec 15, 2004.

60 mg smoked 5-MeO-DMT (powder / crystals)
    smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes (plant material)
[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]

I couldnt believe the reports I had heard over this substance. I had at the time been a professional level pychonaut for almost 20 years, or so I thought, and the dosage just seemed tiny to me regardless of what I had read on the net. I was one who routinely took up to 1000mg of MDA or a 10 strip of good blotter and enjoyed it. Ive had to eat up to a half sheet to keep from getting popped and even though I dont remember much I never think I had a good time. I considered myself a hardhead. Hell, I never enjoyed myself unless things were a wee bit too intense and it took a lot to make it that way.

Anyway, doubting the professional opinions, including Shulgins, I weighed out 70 mg of the HCL and put it in the end of a cig. I told my two friends I was going out back to try it while they finished weighing up the remaining 10 grams. The back of the lab was 100 feet from the Atlantic ocean on a nice summer eve at sunset and I couldnt picture a better setting. It was friday, I was in a great mood and no problems on the horizon. So I sat down on the deck because I didnt want to be overwhelmed and thought a sitting postion was best. Thats when my life changed.

I lit the smoke and pulled deeply from it. As I blew out the first pull I already heard and felt the train coming. I managed to take one more pull before things got out of control [I estimate I smoked 60mg]. The last vision I had while I still had my wits was very hard to describe. The words I use to try to do so are this: It was if I was looking at reality painted onto a piece of glass. When the onslaught came, lightning shot from an epicenter in the middle of my field of vision and reached the corners of my sight and along these jagged lines of energy it was if the glass broke and fell away carrying what I knew as reality with it. The world vanished and was replaced with a cosmos beyond my understanding. The last thought I had as a person was literally ' Oh Shit. You killed yourself.'

Then I was dead. I wasnt scared of being dead, it was actually comforting. Then I went on a journey beyond my intellect to describe. It was if I was a piece of energy similar to the lightning. I was shooting through the universe at incredible speeds and it was the most beautiful thing I have ever imagined or dreamed. I cant describe the beauty. I wasnt me any longer. There was no me. There was no ego. There was no fear. I was dead. I was in heaven or I was in transit to meet my maker and I was full of bliss at the concept of that idea.

At about the 20 minute point from ignition my friends came out to find me lying on the deck. I was breathing but didnt respond to external stimuli. Anxiously they waited and continued to try to elicit a response from me.

At 30 minutes or so they got a response I dont remember giving. I told them I was in heaven when asked ' Where are you?' Then within three or four minutes I was joined with my body and had aftereffects that lasted for another 30 minutes that were mainly ecstacy due to fact that I was alive.
Total energy. Prepare to meet God.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 27601
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 15, 2004Views: 7,925
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5-MeO-DMT (58) : Alone (16), Overdose (29), General (1)

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