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Astounding difference... shawag to KINE!!
Cannabis (oral)
Citation:   Big Al. "Astounding difference... shawag to KINE!!: An Experience with Cannabis (oral) (exp2762)". Nov 1, 2001.

1 bowl oral Cannabis
I had smoked weed about 7-8 times before this experience. All of which I had been smoking 'shwag' (low quality weed) and had heard many times about how Kine/Skunk was much better and definitely worth the extra cash. I had also heard that weed, when ingested, gave a slightly different effect and that it strings out your high for as long as 6 hours. I had ingested low-quality weed orally before, and didn't notice much difference from smoking it.. just a longer high.

I finally bought some very high quality weed for the first time and had only smoked it before.. never ingested. Needless to say 1/2 of a joint of the weed would put me off my ass when it was smoked from... but tonight was a different story.

I was at my apartment and my roommate was away for the week, so I decided i wanted to try to make some cool music (guitar player) whilst i was stoned.. and since i was alone I knew that i wouldn't be bothered. I thought.. shwag was boring when i ate it... I wonder if this will be the same.... boy was i wrong.

I was sitting at the computer chatting with someone right after i had taken it and thought to myself.. it will be 30 minutes or so before this stuff kicks in... so i'll chat for a bit. Well, 30 minutes rolled around and i didn't feel a damn thing. I thought.. well shit, its gotta be coming pretty soon! 5 mintues or so after that my friend said something that made me chukle a little. I stretched out breifly & cracked my back and then out of nowhere a feeling came over me. I started to laugh again at what my friend had said and after what seemed like 2-3 minutes i relized that i was laughing my fucking ass off! I was laughing so hard i could barely catch my breath. That time period made me ponder... I thought to myself... Jesus!.. I had laughed for like 3 minutes straight at a comment that wasn't even that funny. It clicked as though i had forgotten i had eaten the weed 40 minutes ago... ahh i'm stoned now. I wondered to myself.. I have never had week that hit me so suddenly like that... out of the blue.

All of the sudden i remembered that this was the very high quality weed that i invested my money into. 'Woah' I thought... those guys must have been talking about kine when they said there is a whole new side to being high when you eat it.

It all ten-folded from there. I was experiencing feeling that I had never felt before when i was high. Everything was blown way out of proportion. I grabbed a handfull of chips and started to much on them and thought... my tounge feels awful funny... Hmm. I chewing the chips i was eathing and started to move my tounge around inside my mouth. It was the most odd feeling i had ever encountered. It was as if my tounge were partially numb, but its actions FELT inversed. I would put my tounge on the roof of my mouth and think to myself - Big Al dude.. thats the TOP of your mouth you moron, but the physical side of me was telling me.. No Al... your on the bottom right now.

I started thinking about actions such as these too much and it started to frighten me. Subconsiously my tounge wouldn't sit still, like it was trying to confuze me and bring my attention back to what i didn't want to think about. Kinda scary at the time... - I then started concetrating more on chatting with my friend online. He was aware that i was stoned, but i hadn't explained to him yet that I had ingested kine for the first time.

I started to explain to him the conditions of which i was under, but instead i ended up writing him a novel. I explained in extremely great detail that i had ingested kine bud instead of smoking it. He replied to me.. 'Woah dude... i know your a perfectionist, but why in the hell did you just type me 3 fully fledged paragraphs about how you ATE the weed and didn't smoke it' ... I tried to understand what he was relaying back to me. My mind was thinking hundreds of possibilities of different things that were in the front of my mind at the time. It was almost like listening to a song and breaking it down one instrument at a time, then splicing them back together but to make something new. My mind was racing. I thought to myself.. If i am thinking about all of the different sides/perspectives/shapes and forms of things, then how can i benefit from this experience.

CLICK! - Music. I immediately jumped up from my chair, typed out hastily to my friend that i would be back in a bit and rushed over to the guitar. I stopped for reasons i couldn't understand, looked around the room, and became extreamly scared in the blink of an eye. Sudennly i had absolutely no interest in music, but wanted to get back with my friend because i was feeling unsafe mentally. I started telling my friend that i was getting freaked out. He asked questions in a calm manner to me such as 'tell me what youre feeling right now'... I lashed out at him for no reason saying things like.. 'Fuck you dude... i'm scared shitless.. i feel like i'm gonna die or something!'. He was calm through the whole ordeal, but i felt like i was going insane. I started asking myself questions in my head very VERY quickly with answers to none. 'What if i do die'?, 'What if the police find this chatbox after i die'!? Then i thought to myself... wholy shit... i'm so goddamn paranoid i THINK i'm going to die. That settled my mind and i was very releaved when i come to the thought that i was just really stoned. Duh AL... your not gonna die, your safe.

After that my typing became very hyper... all of the sudden i felt like i had a lot to say, and i had to say it fast. I made so many spelling errors due to speed and being stoned that my friend kept telling me - your not making sense. It was all pointless anyhow, and i stepped back from my mind to think about why i was typing fast in the first place. I had no idea.

By now i was about 2 hours into the high and my hyperness turned into hapiness. Instead of typing faster, i started anylizing the text coming from my friend and could understand concepts much better. I felt much better now, and then i noticed that the whole time i had forgot about my tounge that had been flailing around in my mouth without me knowing it. I felt deathly sore in the mouth and my tounge hurt badly. I grabbed hold of a mountain dew next to me and took a swig... WARM! Nasty!!! I thought... shit - i had better get a cold one. I walked out of my room and headed to the fridge when i saw my roomate's cat sitting the floor. I looked in the fridge and found a dew, closed the fridge and saw something out of the corner of my eye. It scared the shit out of me - I looked over quickly and saw it was the cat i had just seen. VERY werid feeling like my extreme short term memory was going out on me.

The cold dew was better, but still didn't taste that great. I sat back down at the computer and my friend said 'lets go play some starcraft' ... i was quite hesitant at first and told him that it may make me freak out again.. but he was in the mood so i went along with it. I had an absolute blast. I was laughing my ass off the whole time.. commanding my men to kill eachother and whatnot. It was such a great feeling knowing that i could put these charachters through hell and nobody would be hurt. Needless to say we lost the game. I had told my friend 'i think my high is coming down now'. He departed and i logged off and went to sleep thinking of all the COMPLETELY different experiences i felt in comparison to when i had ingested shwag.

The whole week after that i had a different look on things... everyone i saw and all the things i thought of were totally different than before. This slowly decreased and i became myself after the weeks period was through. I think it may have been what i would like to call a 'temporary life-changing experience'... i'm not sure.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 2762
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 1, 2001Views: 8,806
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Cannabis (1) : General (1), Difficult Experiences (5), Alone (16)

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