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Change of Mind
Salvia divinorum (10x extract)
Citation:   Master. "Change of Mind: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (10x extract) (exp27627)". Oct 16, 2003.

2 hits smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 10x)
I had 6 previous experiences on salvia 10x before with fun trips, and have also tried HBW Seeds (LSA), and many mushroom trips (one time 2oz's dried). With the preparation from all my heavy trips in the past I planned to trip harder on Salvia than ever before. So for this final trip I pulled out (2) 1/2 gram hits and placed them on the table.

Inhaling both hits:
I got my bong (with no water) and my torch lighter and loaded the first bowl, I shnaped the entire bowl and held it in while I packed the next bowl, then I exhaled the first hit and began to feel the trip as I started to inhale the 2nd hit.

I also shnaped the 2nd hit and took all the smoke in deepley and held it in for a good 30secs, during this time I was feeling the first trip come on hard, then I exhaled.

The trip begins:
Upon exhaling the smoke I felt both trips become one huge TRIP! I saw the tv in front of me start dripping down in the same rythm to my heart, I also felt my heart pounding throughout my body in the same rythm, as if it was pounding harder than ever and was shaking my whole body. I then began to freak out over my heart since it was pounding so hard and violent all I could think about was a 'heart attack'. In a panic I got up and ran down stairs, while running down stairs it felt as if I was flying in a realm that I have never seen before. I floated down stairs and outside into this amazing realm, I layed down on the cool concrete in hopes to cure my freightend heart. My heart came back to normal after my mind switched to the realization that life is just a dream and the mind can turn it into a nightmare or a fantasy, and its all up to you...

Comming down:
While comming down I realized that I am comming back to my normal mindset but with new realization, I was happier than ever because I learned that everythings just a dream and to this day I will never think otherwise. While comming down I was sitting in a chair looking at the sky, my friends came down stairs now to see if I was alright but I still couldnt understant their language and their faces were melting. Their faces melted and morphed and I couldnt understant them for a good 2 hours, when I re-learnd english.

This trip has changed me forever and I wouldnt have it any other way....

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 27627
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 16, 2003Views: 5,192
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Difficult Experiences (5), General (1), Alone (16)

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