Fucked Up On Pharms
Bupropion (Wellbutrin) & Cannabis
Citation:   Julian. "Fucked Up On Pharms: An Experience with Bupropion (Wellbutrin) & Cannabis (exp27672)". Erowid.org. Oct 18, 2003. erowid.org/exp/27672

T+ 0:00
300 mg oral Pharms - Bupropion (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:30 262 mg insufflated Pharms - Bupropion (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:00 0.25 g smoked Cannabis (plant material)
My Dose:
150mg+150mg tablets orally
150mg+112mg insufulated
(Marijuana) .25 g
Weight: 165 lbs
Height: 6'3

Mandys Dose:
150mg tablet orally
38mg Insufulated
(Marijuana) .25 g
Weight: approx. 100lbs
height: 5'3

This is my first experience with Willbutrin anti-depression pills. I do not have a prescription to Wilburton but I do believe I am clinically depressed, my father has bipolar type 1. One day I was snooping for pain killers to rail in my mom's cabinet and found her prescription of Willbutrin SR 150mg tablets. I first checked erowid about these and got enough information about them, nothing on dosage tho. I stole five tablets from my mom's prescription. I did not know she had clinical depression, when I asked her she denied it. I asked my friend Mandy to come along and try these with me since I heard of hallucinogenic feelings achieved with these pills. I walked to Mandyís, about a ten minute walk and walked back with her. On the way I took two orally and Mandy took one.

I didnít really feel anything for about 30 minutes when my mom was putting something away in the kitchen and me and Mandy were watching a movie.. It sounded as if she was banging pots in my ears. Mandy told me about similar feelings. My mom went upstairs and I realized I wanted to see what it would be like if I insufflated a pill. I broke up the tablet to a nice 4 lines and snorted three. I have heard it really burns snorting these, It does, but not more than oxycodones. Mandy took the other line. Still I did not feel significantly stoned. I broke up the last pill into four lines, Mandy complained the one line hurt to much so I snorted all four, this time it burnt more for about 20 minutes. About 30 minutes later [8:07 pm] I walked Mandy home, on the way I surprised her with a 5peice of marijuana I had, and we sat down and smoked it from her pipe. We were sitting along a fence on below 0 degrees Celsius night. It hadnít snowed yet in my city.

After we finished smoking the marijuana I noticed the anti-depressants kick in heavily, I got extremely sketched out and could not hold a train of thought, I knew it was freezing outside but it didnít matter, I wasnít cold. We walked to Mandyís house to go sit inside and watch TV but her parents found out she had skipped school and she walked me to the end of her street to say goodbye, only at this moment I realized Mandy's manic stage, she was in a lot of trouble for skipping so much and she just got caught again,
usually she would be sad about being caught and break out crying, instead she was laughing and didnít care the slightest bit. This must be the happy/euphoric buzz. I walked home alone, went straight to my room and sat on my bed. Until this moment I was in a confused state, not very depressed, but not very happy, neutral I suppose... The next thing I knew I was swarmed by a blanket of depression. I felt as if I was killing myself, and as if my heart was going to stop from taking to much drugs. I peaked like this for over an hour and a half. I could not feel most of the upper half of my body.. ie.. arms, face, neck, chest. I could still move well enough though. To try this out I punched myself in the face with a punch that I thought was pretty hard but could have been weak because of my state and I did not feel a thing. During that time I wrote a suicide letter and wrote the time in it [9:28 pm], even though I had no intentions of committing suicide when taking the drugs. As I remember I enterd a dilusional state here I imagined I was with a good friend as an actor in a documentary staring my death due to overdose on drugs. In this time I was extremely depressed, not only mentally but physically, I could not keep my balance, and when I looked at myself in a mirror to see what I looked like I got a pain in my head and fell over. The room spun around and became blurry. I began to feel gut rot at this time, and I was sweating profusely in my palms and on my feet. The rest of my body felt as if it had warm water running on it and for about 10 minutes I laid there thinking it did until I got enough strength to touch my arm and realize it didnít. I managed to get up and lay in my bed. I took of my pants and socks, my socks literally were soaked with sweat. I layed there feeling slight nausea as I watched my ceiling circle back and forth. Later that night the mental effects of the drug had slightly worn off, although I was still extremely sketched out and extremely paranoid. I got up to go talk on MSN messenger, when I walked my feet hurt, but it felt as if I was walking in a half inch high puddle of water which was just soaking my feet lightly. I talked on MSN for about 30 minutes then went to bed.

The next day I woke much earlier than ussual and rose out of bed quickly. As I woke I realized that I was a step off of reality. I preceived things much diffrently and felt as if I wasnt even there. I felt increased symptoms of anxiety and a stomach feeling which cant really be explaind. My audio and visual preception were still minorly being affect. As I watched a music video high pitched notes would ring out head behind the music and low pitched notes would be much quiter than usual. Things not in my direct line of vision would be slowly coverd by another color. I could see light green auras around object not directly in my line of vision which made for a quite nasiating body feeling. The whole day I did not communicate with anyone for more than five minutes. The most overwelming part was my physical need to use the drug again. This is the most addicted I have ever been to a substance, I did not understand an addiction till this point. As I sat at my computer it seemed the sound of the computer fan, moniter, and speakers were right at my ears. My muscles felt very tense, and I felt at any moment I would snap. I describe the feeling best as having an intense urge for a ciggarette. I thought a ciggarette would calm this but it didnt. Another side effect I noticed was my sexual impedence for the next four days... this really scared me. The after effects lasted a week long but were barrable.

Over all I would not recomend it as a recreational drug due to the intense depresion when combined with a marijuana or alchohal.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 27672
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 18, 2003Views: 63,083
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Cannabis (1), Pharms - Bupropion (87) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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