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Another World
Inhalants - Glue
Citation:   Fuck Inhaling. "Another World: An Experience with Inhalants - Glue (exp27696)". May 7, 2006.

6 hits inhaled Inhalants
I was bored one night, I was sitting at home.. had nothign to do. I smoke weed for already a year, I also tried LSD once - thats about it. I decided to try some.. I was sitting alone in my room, Took 1 hit and became very dizzy..then took another hit and my vision was all spinning.. I was hearing a loop..took one more hit and I saw people all over telling me to inhale more.. took another hit and I saw a boxing ring with mickey mouse standing in it..I'm like what the fuck.. another hit and my heart started beating extremly fast.

My vision started going all grey..then my heart stopped beating, I couldn't breathe. I fell on my bed, then I stood up and I saw a friend (who wasnt there) run to phone ambulance. I was chasing him, then I told him I'm okay but he didn't hear me. I couldn't see his face at all, it had shade all over it. I didn't know who it was. So yeah, I ran up to him and tried to grab phone, but I couldn't. Its like it was air. He threw phone down and ran out of the house, I tried to follow him but once again I couldn't open the door! He ran back in to my room and as I followed him I saw myself lying on bed passed out, not even breathing. He started trying to wake me up, then when I felt my body again I stood up and I didn't see anyone...but the thing that freaked me out was that I had fucking marks on my body/shirt as if someone touched me for real!

From this trip, I now believe that theres another world with ghosts, and god himself saved my life when I was lying dead on the bed.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 27696
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 7, 2006Views: 23,328
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Inhalants (29) : Difficult Experiences (5), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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