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Pillars of Civilization
Citation:   Munch. "Pillars of Civilization: An Experience with 2C-I (exp27748)". Nov 6, 2003.

T+ 0:00
  oral Alcohol  
  T+ 0:59 18 mg oral 2C-I  
  T+ 2:00   inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
1:50 am – ingested 18mg 2c-i mixed with orange juice.

Setting: I was at home with my girlfriend M after a night out for tapas and drinks on the town in Hollywood. We were well fed and a slightly buzzed from alcohol. (We’d finished dinner at around 10pm, so I’m sure our stomachs weren’t empty.) The alcohol may have given us the nudge to try something new, and 2c-i was new for us.

We mixed it and drank it and I called my friend S who lives up the street, caught him as he got off work, and asked him to check in on us when he got home. He was excited to see the effects. So with our sitter called, our drugs ingested, and our hopes high we settled on the couch and watched the first episode of “The Office” season two.

S called on his way home from work. I had read in several reports that N2O was terrific during the 2c-i experience. Being into terrific things myself, I asked S to pick up two cans of whipped cream. He was happy to oblige us. By the time S arrived it was 2:50am, exactly one hour after ingestion. And we had begun to giggle.

S came into the living room and plunked down the cans of whipped cream. He was wearing a tux and looked very formal and mature. We were laughing. S told us that he’d tried to get the non-dairy cream, but they didn’t have it. He warned us that real cream whipped cream would harden when sprayed over a nude body and cause discomfort. S is a very sexual man and he thought we were going to use the cans to cover each other in cream.

S realized how much fun we were having right away. But because he’s subject to random drug tests, he didn’t want to try 2c-i. He did take two 18mg doses back to his roommates. Before he left I tried several times to collect for the two cans of whipped cream. I told him he wasn’t leaving until he paid for them. This seemed very funny at the time.

With S gone, M and I settled into contortions of laughter that lasted for nearly two hours. Time spread out during this time and seemed much longer. We kept remarking that it seemed like more time had passed, that it seemed like “forever” that we’d been laughing. The visuals were pretty mild for me, more pronounced for M. We have two Balinese paintings on one wall of the living room. M began to call these “the pillars of civilization.” She saw white lights flashing around the black frames. I believe I saw them as well. My greatest OEV’s were when I went to the bathroom by myself, stared back down the dark hall past the computer room where a light was on (I guess). It seemed as though the doorway was a hearth and lambent light danced on the floor before the door.

When I came back to the living room I was nude. I placed three large pillows on the floor in front of the stereo and we listened to Radiohead’s OK Computer. With my eyes closed I began to see how the sound connected to me and in my head I thought of a singer singing these songs out to the universe – and he looked like the subject of Munch’s “The Scream.” It wasn’t at all frightening, though. It was beautiful. The music came out of his mouth and then became something that affected the universe. I thought that the music changed me and I would go through life changed in subtle ways that would affect my life, that each little thing I did (or anyone else did) was connected to every other thing. Listen to music here, take a right turn on Melrose, order the last slice of pepperoni pizza: each act pushes reality along and changes it for others. Waves of connection.

At about the same time (I suppose) I thought of the room we were in and how everything was made up of molecules – the chairs, the air, the plants, us. From space what would be the distinction between my girlfriend and the couch, me and the floor. We seemed very little and insignificant. But not in a bad way. M agreed with this idea. I became very fascinated with the idea that I’d used the Internet to order the drug. I’d used electricity and credit card to bring the 2c-i molecule into contact with my body, my brain – across thousands of miles.

At one point, I invented this character who’d sit in the corner at parties and gurgle in a low voice, “Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine.” M and I would take turns doing our lowest voice and murmuring. We decided that everyone likes gurgling sounds, that everyone needs gurgling in his life. A percolating coffee pot gurgles. A friend. We laughed and laughed at this (and we’ve been gurgling at each other for three days, sparking slightly less and less mirth each time).

At another point M suggested that we write a trip report. I said that my trip report would read: “Fuck you! That’s my trip report!” It wasn’t an angry “Fuck you!” It was just supposed to convey the inability of words/reports to capture the actual experience. I thought it would be quite funny to click on a “Glowing Experience” trip report and read only: “Fuck you!”

At about T+2:00 I decided it was high time for some N2O. I cracked open a can and shuuuuuhhhhhtt! Wow! It was great. I started into a bit about the “essential natures of the gasses.” My girlfriend wasn’t interested in N2O, so I did the second can. I stood up and knew I had to write an email to an old friend. Here is what I wrote to him verbatim:

gg go ao as gasaag agga. OI've got tote witrtte to P[edited]! Get out of the way!@ Perfect fucking typne!! Just for instance. Okay. Wha6t I wanted to write to P[edited] waht sh that i'm engoying the essentialo naturdes of the gass.


M wants me to add two thoughts she had. Once while in the bathroom M thought that her body should be in perfect communication with her. If she were doing anything in her life that was harmful to her body, her body would tell her. She closed her eyes and waited for her body to alert her if there was indeed a problem. She only saw a fat mouse eating cheese. Later when she was sitting alone on the couch she thought “If there’s a perfect time for an epiphany this is it.” But she had none. She just felt that “Everything was good.” Clarifying these ideas for me, she says that she got the feeling that she wasn’t hiding anything from herself. She felt that if she were hiding something from herself, that it would be revealed here.

We went to bed at around 6am, four hours after taking 2c-i. We slept easily, though we both sweated a bit more than usual in our sleep. It was a great experience. All good.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 27748
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 6, 2003Views: 12,224
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2C-I (172) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2)

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