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After School Nausea
Citation:   Jesse D. "After School Nausea: An Experience with Tobacco (exp27763)". May 8, 2006.

  smoked Tobacco
I have been an avid pot smoker for around a year . I have always said 'tobacco is evil'. Never thought I would try it. Then one day my friend offered me a cigarette when we were high. It intensified the high 5 fold. So I started smoking tobacco like once a week. I wasnt addicted or anything cuzIi didnt feel any cravings or any need for it. I just did it with friends.

Then one day my friend asked me if I wanted to have a cigar with him after school. Of course I agreed and then after school we drove to our drinkin spot and lit up our cigar. The buzz was nice and it was fun talking with my friends for the 30 minutes the cigar lasted. After that I went to my grandmas. All of a sudden I got this terrible stomach ache. It only got worse every second despite my attempts to lay down and such. Then I thought I would vomit. It felt like I had a terrible flu. My whole body was pouring sweat it felt like. I then took a nap and woke up feeling better but my stomach was still queezy. I stayed that way for almost a week. I havent smoked tobacco since and dont plan on it

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 27763
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 8, 2006Views: 16,460
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Tobacco (47) : Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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