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Easing the Crash
Methamphetamine & Supplements
Citation:   lowercaseb. "Easing the Crash: An Experience with Methamphetamine & Supplements (exp27895)". Oct 21, 2020.

4 bumps insufflated Methamphetamine (powder / crystals)
    repeated oral Vitamins / Supplements  
I have noticed that taking a large supplement of l-tyrosine, copper, folic acid and vitamin b-6 before during and after the binge can help with the crash/meth hangover.

First a warning: L-tyrosine and 5-http must be avoided if you are taking

* monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors
* tricyclic anti-depressants
* serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRIs) such as Prozac

First, I am not a health care professional...just very self-educated in harm reduction with meth. I have focused on the effects of the neuro-chemical dump and the recovery. I personally have suffered through the crash and the resulting exhaustion and depression. When I started preloading before my use and supplementing after the binge, I have noticed a marked improvement in mood and thinking. I will still be butt tired from the beating the chemical gave my body, and if I haven't slept, I will still have the effects of the sleep dep. However, the soul-crushing depression that usually accompanied my crash did not materialize.
I will still have the effects of the sleep dep. However, the soul-crushing depression that usually accompanied my crash did not materialize.
Again, this is a personal experience...your mileage may vary.

I have been trying to make the crash easier by giving my brain the raw building blocks to make more dopamine quicker. The following doses I found effective with my height (6' 0') and weight (235 lbs.) I also am a flyweight in use of meth. 4 snorted bumps (they vary in dosage obviously but roughly an 1/8 of a gram each) over an 8 hour period is my limit for an enjoyable session.


I take 1 to 3 grams of L-Tyrosine (best) or L-Phenylalanine. I take token amounts (1 to 5 mg) of the following cofactors to convert the above into neurotransmitters: Folic Acid, Vitamin B6, copper. I take this with a light morning meal.


I take 1 to 3 grams of L- Tyrosine (best) or L-Phenylalanine along with the cofactors Vitamin B6, folic acid to aid in the conversion.


Again, supplement with the above recipe at the above doses. I add a 100 mg dose of 5-htp. I have found in my experience that this aids restful sleep, and the next day, the increased tryptamine levels assist in setting circadian rhythms.

If I am going to crash when it is a time when I normally go to bed; 1-3 mg of melotonin can help me rest by resetting my body clock. However, I don't add this if I am trying to rest during a time when I normally don't go to bed, or else I may temporarily screw up my body clock. Having a full stomach really helps easing that crash.

IMPORTANT! I make sure my use is infrequent so my brain does not get used to it. I set limits BEFORE I get high and stick to them! It is very easy to get into the addictive routine, so it is better to be overcautious about setting limits. With meth, it is better to be paranoid about my limits and be proven wrong, than naïve and proven wrong.

Moderation and respect for the drug is the key!

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 27895
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 21, 2020Views: 1,046
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Vitamins / Supplements (231), Methamphetamine (37) : Unknown Context (20), Hangover / Days After (46), Combinations (3)

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