It Was All Too Las Vegas For Me
Citation:   Bethany. "It Was All Too Las Vegas For Me: An Experience with LSD (exp28067)". Oct 13, 2006.

1 hit oral LSD (blotter / tab)
This was only my second time using acid, and I had never actually hallucinated off of the drug. My boyfriend, W, and I both took one hit, don't know name, but it's got eyeballs all over the paper, at about 11pm. We then walked up to Circle K, about a 7 min walk. Talked to our friend working. I notice that already the lights are too bright and I can't seem to screen what I'm saying or follow the conversation, so we leave. The night looks like a picture, everything is in precise focus. We mention that this is coming on very quickly, and hurry back to the apartment.

He goes to the bathroom and I begin pacing around the apartment, smoking a cigarette. My mind is going a million miles an hour and I am trying to ignore that my eyes are bugged out and I am twitching severely. I looked insane. We plug in purple Christmas lights and turn off the overhead, then settle down to play DDR with the controllers. This goes pretty well, and at the end of the round I just lay there, except that my legs have turned into this long, rainbow swirl, going off into nowhere. This is the ONLY warning I get, and it is only about half an hour in. W puts on the Matrix and I curl up on the floor under a plush blanket. Things go downhill quickly. When the screen is light, everythig is fine, but when it goes dark, which happens alot in the Matrix, it is a feeling of impending doom, like everything evil in the world is trying to steal my soul. I eventually hide myself under the covers to try to make it go away. My boyfriend asks if Im okay and I say no and begin sobbing. Uncontrollably. I cry for him to make is stop. It's all so dark and evil. He takes the Matrix off and puts on the Powerpuff Girls Movie.

Downhill? The hill's gone. I can't see it- I'm too far gone. All I can see are lines. Neon lines. Are my eyes open or closed? No difference....Lines....follow the lines. They form shapes, they start falling, compressing, it's like Tetris. When I follow them right they dissappear. There is nothing else. Lines's a maze. A maze surrounded by molten lava. Like a lab rat maze, trying to find the cheese. I find a spot, like where the cheese would be, and I come out of it. I call my boyfriends name. No response. Back in the maze. Another spot, Back to reality? call his name- nothing. Back in. out. 'What's going on?' Reply, finally. 'I have no idea.' Right reality. Hold on, hold on. Talk. Stay here, don't fall. Fall. Fallen. Back in the maze. Try to find the right reality.

It subsides some, psuedo-realities are easier to find, less maze. I think I'm having converstions with W, I'm talking to him on various layers of the realities in my head...every now and then I get a confused response and know I've hit reality...I eventually give up. Three hours later. I open my eyes. Stand up, turn on light. Find cigarette. Can't smoke. Shaking. I want to die. Doesn't stop but lightens from then. I start to find things funny around six. Manage to eat...not sure how. Go to class at nine...I know what's in my head, but damned if I can put it into words for my teacher. All well. Next class is cancelled, thank god. Can think, but it's insane thoughts. Go to W's, play with his 3 year old. She's never made so much sense. Go to work at 5. Finally stop tripping at 6pm, T+18. Fun, but....

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 28067
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 13, 2006Views: 7,543
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LSD (2) : Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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