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Heat and Anger
Alcohol & Salvia divinorum (5x extract)
Citation:   sensei. "Heat and Anger: An Experience with Alcohol & Salvia divinorum (5x extract) (exp28083)". May 1, 2019.

  repeated oral Alcohol  
  1 bowl smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 5x)
I thought I'd submit this experience in particular because I've rarely had such an unexpected and weird effect from drugs.

I was at a party, and one of my friends had brought some 5x salvia extract. When he got around to smoking it, I was reasonably drunk and decided to have some (note: I would have some sober, I just happened to be drunk).

After a little while I began to feel very angry in general and my vision was slightly red (or felt like it was if you know what I mean). One of my friends made some joke or other at my expense and I just blew up, roared at him, grabbed him by the throat and pretty much choke-slammed him to the floor, and then kicked him. None of it was particularly vicious, I just felt the need to demonstrate my rage physically.
I just felt the need to demonstrate my rage physically.
My body felt very warm to the the touch as if I was radiating heat, and my voice had changed, become slightly weird (like I could get after smoking and drinking and shouting for a while).

I eventually calmed down and chilled out, and have tried salvia a few times since, with weed and booze, and have never had a similar experience.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 28083
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 1, 2019Views: 743
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Alcohol (61), Salvia divinorum (44) : Combinations (3), Large Group (10+) (19)

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