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This Ain't No Moulin Rouge
Citation:   drowsy. "This Ain't No Moulin Rouge: An Experience with absinthe (exp28361)". Mar 26, 2018.

5 shots oral Absinthe (liquid)
when I was in Edinburgh this summer, attending the Fringe Festival, I stumbled upon absinthe for the first time in a bar...
it was absurdly expensive but I figured that it was a sort of 'once in a while' oppertunity so I coughed up the 3 pounds and took a shot...

it didn't taste horrible, definitely more pleasent than a shot of vodka or taquila, but it wasn't something I was swooning over either...

oh yea, I lit it on fire first and poured some melted sugar into it...I guess I could've added water to make it get all white but why?

so anyway, on my way back to the US of A I bought a bottle in the duty free zone to bring back...
got back home an then went to visit a friend on the central coast of California bringing the absinthe with me...
my friend and I decided that we'd try to get really smashed on absinthe...

anyway point in short is that absinthe gets me drunk quickly (due to it's 70% alchohol content) but doesn't do much else...maybe it's a little bit like being stoned too, and sometimes things appeared a little 2d, but it is nothing worth struggling to get...I promise

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 28361
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 26, 2018Views: 968
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Absinthe (4) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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