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Self Massage
Citation:   Dulcimo. "Self Massage: An Experience with LSD (exp28471)". Nov 17, 2003.

T+ 0:00
1 hit oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 2:00 1 hit oral LSD (blotter / tab)
I haven't experimented with LSD since I was 14 years old, now, ten years later I have reached a point in my life where I feel that am in an enlightened state. I recall the experiences I had when I was a teenager, and I felt that I could delve deeper into myself in a drug induced state. I recently read some articles written by doctors who had administered LSD to patients and my curiosity was piqued. I regularly do yoga and educate myself on the teachings of other individuals that are also enlightened.

So, at home, by myself, I took one tab of LSD, several hours later I was feeling relaxed and had a sense of being high but not to the level that I wanted to be at, so I took a second tab. An hour later I felt high. I made myself comfortable in my bedroom and relaxed in my bed. I felt some tension in my muscles and decided to get some lotion and give myself a body rub, I started at my feet. As I was rubbing my hands and fingers became tired so I started using the backs of my hands, my wrists, forearms and elbows as I worked my way up my legs.

Then, the weirdest sensations came over me. It is sort of difficult to explain.

At first my legs didn't seem like mine, I could feel myself rubbing my legs but if I didn't concentrate on them they looked like someone elses. I also had the feeling of a mirror image as I sat with my legs straight out in front of me and rubbed with each hand on each leg from my knee down to my ankle. I rubbed with different parts of my hands and arms, I felt like I was stretching out my whole body. I was working in circular motions the whole time. It seemed like, for example; when I was using my elbows on my legs that the friction was giving my muscles more energy and I could focus that energy on different parts of my body, like my face, which would then become more sensitive. I would fan my fingers in front of my face as see/sense trails, like when you wave your fingers in front of a tv screen. I started rubbing my face lightly with my fingers then more deeply with my knuckles and the back of my hand.

I closed my eyes and relaxed and let my hands do as they wished, I was struck with the vision of a child waking up and rubbing his eyes. Then the vision of being in darkness and rubbing my face, head and body without hands, like I was trying to wake my body up, to sensitize it. Or rather like my body was trying to wake my body up because at this point my body felt seperate from my mind, my mind was quiet. As I started thinking again about what my body was doing, I thought that if I was not a human (and the thought of a cellular organism came into my head) I would have worked myself into loops, with the circular motions, and infact I became comfortably twisted up, to where no part of my body could rub upon itself. I was quivering with the energy and I directed that energy to different parts of my body which became very sensitive. My mind took a sort of snapshot of the position I was in and it seemed that the position could be taken as a sexual position where I was bound up, but I had nothing binding me. It seemed as though all my body wanted was to energize itself but the mind could twist that fact into many different ideas.

I relaxed and untwisted myself, with my eyes closed I could see one of those spiral shapes (I forget what they are called) which are very intricate and colorful. I had the feeling that the body would spiral upon itself, inwards or outwards, forever, but the fact that I have internal organs and muscle tightness, keeps it from doing so.

Also I had a sense of knowing that the body likes to work, it likes to be touched, skin is your biggest organ and it likes to move. It's the mind that can keep it from doing so. I felt very comfortable, relaxed and beautiful throughout the whole session. I realized many things. After the massage I went to my piano and played for awhile. I could feel the vibration of the notes in different parts of my body, some parts ached while I played, so I did some yoga to strech myself out.

All in all it was a very cool experience, I didn't hallucinate but saw wiggellies when I concentrated on looking at something.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 28471
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 17, 2003Views: 11,777
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