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I Don't Remember Much
Alcohol & Alprazolam
Citation:   DxAxN. "I Don't Remember Much: An Experience with Alcohol & Alprazolam (exp2854)". Sep 8, 2000.

2.0 mg oral Pharms - Alprazolam (pill / tablet)
  6 glasses oral Alcohol (liquid)
I was only 14 at the time of getting shitfaced. Me and my dad usually go to my uncles trailer by the lake on weekends. He usually brings a cube of beer (24) there to unwind. One time he left early and left all the beer in the fridge. I have gotten drunk a couple of times before and decided to go again. I had 2 beers to start out in a huge plastic cup, its the best way to drink. I decide to take a quadbar 2 mg xanax to help me get drunk. Not a good idea. I ended up getting a little daring and drank 4 more beers. I don't remember much except for waking up, leaning over the bed and throwing up. I was to exhausted to clean it up so I put a thrashcan over the mess. At around 10:00 my uncle woke me up to ask why I was passed out in the middle of the hall last night pissing on the floor. I dont even remember that. I hope this will tell you not to mix drugs!!!

Exp Year: 1999ExpID: 2854
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 8, 2000Views: 13,141
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Alcohol (61), Pharms - Alprazolam (98) : Alone (16), Overdose (29), Combinations (3)

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