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Something but Not Enough
H.B Woodrose
Citation:   Hatchling. "Something but Not Enough: An Experience with H.B Woodrose (exp28670)". Jul 28, 2007.

6 seeds oral H.B. Woodrose (ground / crushed)
First off I will start by stating that I have had no previous experiences with psychadelics of any kind (unless u consider ecstacy one but thats up to you) and therefor I did not know what to expect, if anything. I say this because I would never expect these little seeds to actually work. My reasons for actually wanting to trip were sort of spiritual and just out of sheer curiosity.

[Setting] In my room by myself. My bed was all prepared to wrap myself in for a comfortable situation. The television was turned on and I spent most of my night chatting online with friends.

[10:00p.m.] I have 6 seeds all shaved of their outer coating ready for consumption. I was debating on how to consume them but then just decided to grind them with a mortar into a fine powdery substance. I then dropped the powder into a small glass of water and let it sit for about 1 hour.

[11:00] I wasnt sure what would be the most effective means for a water extraction but by this time I had grown impatient and decided to just drink the concotion and the remaining residue.

[11:20] I started to feel off baseline, it was nothing significantly different from the consumption of 1 glass of beer, but definitely not feeling normal. I proceeded to chat with a friend online who was very experienced with psychadelics. Although he was not familiar with H.B Woodrose in which case he could not provide much information on the possible effects he did tell me that once I started to trip I would know it.

[11:45] I started to loose my attention span a bit. I noticed I was drifting my attention from chatting to just focussing on one particular place on the computer screen. If I stared at something it would very subtly start to warp. I was skeptical on whether or not I was actually doing that on my own (subconciously knowing I had swallowed the seeds) or the seeds were actually working.

[12:00a.m.] It was around this time that I started to elevate in my sensations. I took a small break from the computer and sat on my bed to watch television. I spent most of the time watching late night talk shows, mostly leno then conan. I realised that I was becoming very intrigued by what was being shown. Although I knew then that had I been sober it would not have been so appealing I knew that I was somewhat intoxicated. It is a very hard feeling to describe. For the next forty five minutes or so I got mild waves of euphoria (although nothing anywhere near the realm of ecstacy which I had tried once.

[12:50-1:45] Through this time period nothing really got any more intense then just my elevated amusement with the television shows and the occasional mild euphoric waves. I eventually got pretty tired and convinced that the experience was not going to advance past this stage.

[2:00] I grew too tired to even attempt to stay up and wait out a possible change in my state so I decided to turn the lights off and try to sleep. This is where it ended.

All in all I dont know what to really make out of the entire experience. I know I definitely felt different but nothing near my expectations. I dont know if these seeds were just weak or maybe I needed a higher dosage of them. The mild experience I did have was very very pleasant and for that I am grateful. I still have plenty of seeds left and will attempt them on a higher dosage some time in the near future. I know they at least work somewhat because of my weak change in perception but I am not in any way going to declare that they can not produce a mind blowing experience because I didnt reach that point or at least really attempt to. I have a feeling that with the right dosage I will reach the point I am after but as for this experience it was very rewarding and defintely something to try if you are curious.

P.S. I did not in any way experience any nausea and I believe that prior to consuming the seeds I had eaten about 4 hours earlier. Good luck and be safe :)

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 28670
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 28, 2007Views: 5,232
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H.B. Woodrose (26) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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