Manipulating Visual Events
Codeine & Ketamine
Citation:   Wired. "Manipulating Visual Events: An Experience with Codeine & Ketamine (exp28749)". Jan 7, 2018.

T+ 0:00
90 mg oral Codeine (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:00 60 mg insufflated Codeine (ground / crushed)
  T+ 1:00 150 mg oral Codeine (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:30   insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
I had just come back from a day of paint-balling in the rain, got locked out of my house, and was generally a little unhappy. Fortunately, my house-mate, an eminent amateur pharmacologist, had scored a few (10) 30mg codeine pills for me. I took 3 instantly, with a can of coke, and crushed up two, and snorted them. Contrary to what I had been previously told, snorting the pills was not uncomfortable in the least. After about an hour, I could feel a strong euphoric state setting in, so I decided to drop the other five (I have tried small amounts of codeine before, but not anywhere near as much as 300 mg).

My house-mate, meanwhile had been snorting copious amounts of ketamine, and been reduced to a dribbling wreck in front of the television, so I decided to join him.

Having a lower k tolerance than him, i.e. none at all, I decided to go for a little less then him, so I snorted about 200 mg in small lines, during a 3-episode video of the Simpsons. Things became a little confusing to say the least, as the k took over and almost completely cut through the opiate feeling. At no stage however, was I out of control.

As the k wore off slightly, I began to slip into a euphoric dream-like state, whereby I could manipulate visual events and landscapes when I closed my eyes. I found myself creating exceptionally beautiful phrases and lines of poetry, and generally enjoying the visionary state of mind that I imagine one would experience on opium or heroin, although I have not tried these substances. The only similar experiences I have had is a very high dose of crystal MDMA, and in combinations of MDMA and magic mushrooms, although I would add that this k and codeine mix is a poor mans substitute.

Having come down slightly, and bored of my house-mate's ketamised face-pulling, I decided to retire to bed, so as to revise for my exams the next day. The trip, I would estimate, lasted about three hours, and the whole experience, probably about five or six.

The next day, however, was a distinctly different affair, as I could not keep any food or liquid down, and felt generally worse than I have felt for a long time (i.e. since my first bad e comedown)

I have no idea what the pharmacological interactions of the two drugs were at these levels, but my body did not like them.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 28749
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 7, 2018Views: 2,216
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Codeine (14), Ketamine (31) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Combinations (3)

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