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Finally, the Big One
Citation:   I.B. Surprised. "Finally, the Big One: An Experience with Heroin (exp28759)". Sep 3, 2019.

  smoked Heroin (powder / crystals)
Well, as many of you may know, I have been submitting experiences for the past 4 years. My most recent experience submitted was of hydrocodone. I have become quite fond of opiates, but until yesterday, I had never done the ultimate opiate...heroin. After years of wanting to do this particularly taboo substance, I finally grew a pair of balls and went down to the Rio Grande in Salt Lake City, where I live. I found myself with a bunch of latinos. I speak Spanish so I began to ask them where I could go eat. One of them asked if I wanted to buy, I said yeah. He tried to sell me crack, but I told him I wanted Horse. He then looked at me and said I was a cop and started walking away. I told him I wasnt a cop and he asked to see my track marks on my arm. I told him I just smoke the shit. After what seems like forever, I convinced him I wasnt a cop and he sold me a 20$ bag.

I quickly drove home and opened the little white baggie. It had two small brown powdery clumps in it. They had a faint smell of vinegar to them. I was excited to try this drug finally, but I was a little dissappointed in that I didnt have a spike. I have heard that sniffing the junk is no fun, so I opted to chase the dragon. I got a little tinfoil square and put one of the clumps on it. I lit a candle, grabbed a wendy's straw and went to work.

After my first hit, I felt that familiar opiate high (very similar to high doses of oxycodone or hydrocodone.) It took me about 7 seconds to get high. I eventually got about 10 hits off the junk, and man did I get ripped. I tried to sit in my chair and watch a little TV, but I suddenly felt sick to my stomach. Now, naseau associated with opiate use is no news to me, but this was something else. My stomach was turned inside out as I got to the bathroom and barfed in my sink. It totally squeezed every little bit out of my stomach, but because I was so fucked up I didnt care. I looked in the mirror and my eyes were all glazed over and I was sweating a bit. I grabbed a Beatles CD and went to my room, but not in time to avoid throwing up again.

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
Once I finally was able to lay down the naseau went away. Man I was so high. All I wanted to do was lay in bed, I didnt even move barely. I would close my eyes and imagine little things going on, kind of like dreaming but not quite. The body high was so intense. After 3 hours of just laying there like a dead man, I finally got up but found the naseau return...I barfed again, then had to force myself to get in my car and go pick up my significant other from her classes. I found driving to be easy, even though I was still a little stoned. After 3 hours I felt the way I feel when I pop pills, but man that first hour was unreal. In the end I threw up all day, anything I took a sip of or a bite of came right up. The throwing up was ruthlessly painful after I wasn't high. It hurt like hell. It even got to the point where I thought to myself 'Man I ain't ever fucking with H again!' But now what I have come to my senses, I realize that I have another little clump there waiting for me. But there ain't no way I am letting that go to waste. I'll tell you what I'm gunna do, I'm gunna find me a set of clean works, cook that shit up, and punch it in my arm, then I'm gunna right an experience report about it, and then I will never fuck with heroin again. After experiencing the best taboo, there is no point in becoming a statistic and ruining my life.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 28759
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 3, 2019Views: 2,220
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Heroin (27) : Alone (16), First Times (2)

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