Citation:   Lil Bunny Foo Foo. "2C-Energy: An Experience with 2C-E (exp28781)". Erowid.org. Feb 2, 2004. erowid.org/exp/28781

21 mg oral 2C-E
The night started at 11pm, when me and a friend dosed and left for another friend's birthday party. Everything went as normal, and the trip was coming on fairly slowly, but normally. Until around 12:30(?) when my stomach felt minor discomfort. I told my friend who I went with and he gave me a pipe and told me to go to the bathroom. Well, after much confusion, I realized that I really did NEED to go to the bathroom. The pot cured the nausea and the trip started to kick in hard. I read a poem by a friend, which was posted on the wall in the bathroom. At the end it asks, 'are you hallucinating?' And at that moment, the answer was 'yes.' Then I looked toward the door and saw a small sign that said, 'am I dreaming?' Again, I knew the answer was yes. But I had in a sense, 'woken up.' Anyhow, I felt safe, and not in pain, so I left the bathroom and rejoined the party. I started having a conversation with a friend. Then I noticed that I could sense the energy that was passing between the two of us, and it weirded me out. But I was okay until I realized that I could feel everyone's energy.

The intensity of everyone's energy caused me to get nervous. Then the heater in the house turned on, and it smelled of gas. Instantly, I figured that the smell of gas meant utter doom by way of explosion, so I quickly went outside. The weird thing about leaving was that it was the 'fight or flight' decision based on a notion that the house would, in fact, explode at any moment. Outside, I realized everything was okay, and there was going to be no explosion. So I calmed down and attempted to re-enter the party. Some kids on the deck were doing this weird cell phone trick and I thought I could feel the radiation. It scared me, until I realized that it wasn't radiation, but the people's energy that I felt. All in all, it was extremely trippy, and probably not a good party drug. But it sure opened my eyes to new things. Plus, I think I woke up from the matrix for good this time.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 28781
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 2, 2004Views: 13,360
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2C-E (137) : Difficult Experiences (5), Large Group (10+) (19)

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