Lizards on the Mount
2C-B & Cannabis
Citation:   smokedawg. "Lizards on the Mount: An Experience with 2C-B & Cannabis (exp28855)". Feb 2, 2004.

T+ 0:00
25 mg oral 2C-B (capsule)
  T+ 3:30 25 mg oral 2C-B (capsule)
  T+ 0:59   repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
This trip took place in mid june 2003. It was the beginning of a long, hot summer here in the uk, and although this wasn't the first time I had used 2cb, it was the most profoundly enjoyable and rewarding trip I have so far had. The rave was at a local picnic spot that has been popular with the party scene for years, and as expected there was a heavy police presence that meant we had to park the car we were in about 2 miles away, luckily meeting up with 2 other local ravers who guided us through the pitch black woods to the venue.

When we arrived at roughly 11pm my friend and I wasted no time swallowing one of the 30 pale blue 2cb capsules I had bought with me. (I estimate the dosage to 25-30mg per cap, going by the experiences of others) and sat down with my friend (who I will call 'L') next to one of the bonfires that had been built near to the main tent to make a joint or 3. By the time I started feeling the first tickle of the chemical after 45mins I had sold 20 caps to the eager party goers around me, many of which had never come across this relatively new drug to the uk scene, and all of which looked glad they had by the time the night was over!

An hour after taking the first cap I noticed that the fire I was staring into was slowly breathing, and that every blade of grass was swaying to the same rythem as the flickering fire. (it was a still windless night) I couldnt help but smile to myself, I find the come up on an oral dose of 2cb very gentle and easy, like lowering slowly into a warm psycadelic bath. Upon passing the joint I'd made to L, the beaming grin on his face told a thousand we go.

At +1.30hrs L passed a joint he had made. I took a few lungfuls, and felt a slight queaziness in my stomach, so I passed it back. This didnt bother me, as 2cb nearly always gives me a mild stomach churn shortly after I come-up, but never lasts longer than the first hour after I start tripping.
After 2 hours, not feeling like dancing, myself and L decided to go looking for some of our other friends who had come to the rave. I was told that they were in a car in the car park at the bottom of the hill, about 200 yards away. No problem, I thought, so off we went.

WOW. The smoke from the fires and the flickering and flashing lights from the main tent made the field we were in look like a hazy underwater sea bed, trees rising from the grass looked like swaying clumps of seaweed, I seemed to be having real difficulty putting one foot in front of the other, like I was walking through liquid. Upon reaching the carpark we searched for our friends, but after walking past every car there we couldnt find them, so we stumbled back to the party, to ask where they were, and were told again, 'down in the car park'. The walk there and back was repeated maybe 5 times before I was shown the car they were in, which to me looked nothing like it had the 5 times before.-before it had been a black shiney jaguar, now it was the slighty battered red ford I had always known. Tehe.
My friend 'P' was sat on the back seat with his girlfriend, both of them had done 2cb, P was tripping HARD, and refused to get out.

I sat in the front passenger seat for a while and spent a long time trying to skin up, the papers felt like rolling wet tissue paper, and eventually the car started closing in around me, and P started doing my head in with his mumbling of 'turn the light out, stop looking at me,' so I got out again and stood around the car talking to some of P's friends. After 3.30 hours L and I felt a slight down turn in the trip, so we took another cap each, this one came in quicker, after 30 mins I was rushing hard..definatly 'up' in a almost MDMA type way.

It was at this point that I noticed the way that 2cb affects the way I percieve people, more specificly, faces and bodies. The people around me I noticed had a 'defined' look to them. Jaw lines looked more chiseled than I knew them to be, and several of the shirtless guys walking around had a almost cartoon-like muscular definition. When a guys tribal tatoos started writhing around like snakes I burst out laughing! I noticed first light creeping in at about 4.30am, and by 5 the light was such that the hill took on an amazing new appearance. The trees that had previously been dark swaying masses somewhere above slowly began to shimmer with the first light of the new day. Every leaf slowly took on a multicoloured hue, and before long the most amazing rainbow of colour opened up above me. Every leaf, branch, and twig had a geometric, almost digital look, And as the sun rose every tree was superemposed with a colourful mandelbrot fractal, the colours swirling in time to the pounding music still pumping from the top of the hill.

I had been stood awestruck staring at he trees for maybe 20 mins, when I decided to go and sit under a tree, smoke a joint, and just take in the visuals. Reaching in to my pocket to get my weed I dropped my papers. I looked down to see where they had landed, and noticed that the ground I was standing on wasn't gravel, as I expected, but a carpet of thousands, millions of neon purple and blue gecko lizards, and when I moved my feet what I can only decribe as a ripple of purple plasma spread outwards like the surface of a pond. If I was this high on acid I would be completly incoherent, but here I was, walking, talking, and having the trip of my life. Unable to get my friends to see the lizards I sat quietly under the nearest tree, reflecting on the amazing specticle in front of me, on the natural fractals of the trees perfectly blending with the drug induced fractals this amazing chemical had given me, And feeling the 2cb slowly creeping away. As the high started to fade I felt no loss, no desire to take more, only fufilment. The 2cb come-down is the easiest of any of the psycadelics I have tried, no chemical hangover at all, it just drifts away...

At about 7amish L sent me to get a cup of tea for us both from a stall that had been set up, which I have to say at the time felt like the best tea I have ever drunk! I find 2cb really helps me appretiate pleasurable experiences, and this was one of them. At 8am we started the long walk back to where we had parked the car, the change in scenery made me relise that the chemical sparkle was still there, just more subtle, only the colours had gone, everything still had the digital geometric look, emphasised by the trees overhanging the lane we were walking down. As we reached open ground the first rays of direct sunlight hit me, the warmth felt ecstactic, I stopped walking, and just stood soaking it up. Letting the warmth fill every cell in my body, it was a perfect end to an almost perfect trip experience.

P.S. I find that cannabis helps to slow down the 2cb trip somewhat, on its own 2cb can be over too quickly I find, a smoke seems to string it out a bit, making the trip more reflective.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 28855
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 2, 2004Views: 11,644
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2C-B (52) : Nature / Outdoors (23), General (1), Rave / Dance Event (18)

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