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Greedy Alien Attack?
Salvia divinorum (Extract - 5x)
Citation:   BenOliver. "Greedy Alien Attack?: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (Extract - 5x) (exp28881)". Jul 16, 2005.

1 bowl smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 5x)
I recieved the Salvia I ordered on the day I was to leave for a Thanksgiving Vacation. My family had left to meet me at another location so I thought that the (for once) empty house would be a relaxing enviroment for 'a little psychedelic experience'. I sat considering the fact that I had no sitter, but, thinking that many people do not respond to Salvia and that I was expereinced enough to handle just about anything (as a devoted mushroom, LSD, and DXM explorer of years past...

I decided to go ahead with the experiment.

I placed a small bowlful of the 5X Salvia in my glass 'steamroller' and proceded to quiet my mind and relax.

I reflected that I was to begin a long trip and that, having been quite sober for some time, I would greatly enjoy a hightened psychedelic outlook on where I was heading and where I had been. I put the flame to the bowl and inhaled a large chamber of smoke holding on to the lungful for as long as possible. As I laid my head back on the sofa I noticed that the blackness behind my closed eyes began to 'echo' or move with exact replacas behind it. I felt the familiar adrenaline rush of tripping. The next thing I knew it seemed that I was in some kind of accident!

I couldn't really see clearly but it felt like I was stuck, half in and half out, in this silly putty-like substance that seemed malicious and alive! It seemed to be infinitly vast and powerful and I struggled to pull free of this horrible creature attached to me. Scared witless, I still laughed at how ridiculous it was for me to die at such an inopportune moment, I tried shaking off this hideous, greedy, consuming 'alien', but it was stuck to me like that oil slick in the movie 'Creepshow', but colorful!

No matter how I shook or tried to free myself this entity was trailing behind me! The entire back of my body was made up of this thing, Salvia. I attempted to reason to threaten to curse...I said I would never try it again if it let me go...I said I would tell EVERYONE I MET never to do it! Anything! Just don't kill me, let me have my pitiful life back! (Which is odd considering I have been happily willing to die under the influences of other drugs.) It was like my face was the spine of a book and it had opened me up from the back and spread me WIDE!! Thousands of miles WIDE!! Fucking frightening! Finally, I began to 'close'. My life was slowly returned to me and I spent the next several minutes reaclimating myself to my bizarre surroundings and THANKING HOLY SWEET MOTHER OF JESUS (or someone similar) that I was back. So now I've fullfilled my promise, and it will be a cold friggin day in Hell before I vist that particular entity ever again!

Peace and Happiness!

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 28881
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 16, 2005Views: 5,782
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Difficult Experiences (5), Entities / Beings (37), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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