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Trippin' With Tuck-a-Bee
Citation:   Sylvester Al. "Trippin' With Tuck-a-Bee: An Experience with LSD (exp28924)". Apr 20, 2020.

1 hit oral LSD (edible / food)
This was my first time, after about a year of looking. I've done mushrooms, E, 2ci. I took it at my friend's house and we drove into DC with his wife and kid (I call him Tuck-a-bee, or Blee, or sometimes Ta-koon). It hit fast, 20 mintues in. It felt like the onset of mushrooms, but not only was it messing with my visual and conceptual frames, it was also 'twisting' my body. Hilarity hit and stayed a while. On the ride out, the kid kept asking for a scary story. I'd try to start, but get lost and get distracted by something else. (First mistake was to take it with a 3-year old around who wants alot of attention. I found this stuff made concentration difficult.) Second mistake was to go into public. I became intensely worried about maintaining decorum, which darkened the trip here and there. I couldn't just relax, which would have been nice. About 2.5 hours in, when we returned to our hometown, the trip continued but the jarring intensity was gone. I could soberly survey my thoughts, I didn't have that sense of being overpowered. However, things were still different and interesting.

We went to the mall and saw a friend. For whatever reason, I thought I saw alot of deformed faces in the mall. People were uglier than usual.

Alot of people say stick with mushrooms, and I see their point. My times on mushrooms were similar but also were accompanied by a deep warm euphoria that I lacked on LSD. Also, someone told me that keeping your shit together on LSD is a constant task, and I think that's probably true, it was for me this time anyways.

Next time I'm going to do it solo or just with one friend and not in public. In public it's too confusing and I loose valuable time worrying.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 28924
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 20, 2020Views: 688
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LSD (2) : First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Bad Trips (6), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)

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