Great For A Party Or Even A Walk Around Town
Gabapentin (Neurontin)
Citation:   Valhallen. "Great For A Party Or Even A Walk Around Town: An Experience with Gabapentin (Neurontin) (exp28984)". Feb 10, 2004.

3600 mg oral Pharms - Gabapentin (pill / tablet)
I came into possesion of 50 300mg Neurontin. Now not being my first time using Gabapentin I knew that I need at least 10 300's to get the right effect. Most everyone else I know that takes Gabapentin take only 7 or 8. But anyway. My taking the pills was postponed when I found out my mother was going to drive me to my buddy's house. Now he lives about 25 minutes away. Riding in a car with your mother when she doesn't approve of taking drugs, with a 'sack' of 50 300's in my zip folder is a little tense.

Now being tense ruined the mood, I started to get paranoid, didn't want to take them because everyone would know, because I couldn't figure a way to take them without everyone knowing ... So skip a little ... I was standing in my buddy's bathroom with the 'sack' in my hand getting my 12 300's. Without something to drink to take 12 pills. Let me tell you that isn't very cool, I had to resort to drinking water from my hand from his disgusting bathroom sink.

So about an hour taking after them I feel a disasocation much like DXM, but only in my head and hands. My worries started to fade away. I am a very quiet, shy person normally, but when I am on Gabapentin after about 1.5 hours I get very friendly, very talkative, very active, very uninhibited. There was always some sort of worry in the back of my mind, but it seemed trivial. I alway get very thoughtful and insanely philosophical. The same thing happens to me on low doses (200mg-400mg) of DXM.

Now I was at my buddy's house to meet with a few friends and play a roleplaying game. None of these people approve of drugs. So the GM is explaining something about flying and the shape of the world and the arc that planes fly in, because I questioned something he said. Well he blew my mind, It was to much for my mind to wrap around. I swear I get smarter but really slow on the uptake. Anyway the Gabapentin made me kinda jitterie, I did see things move and slight closed eye visuals, mainly when I had rob zombie on.

Time always seems to slow down, but I feel like I need to move around. I sat on a couch from 7:25pm to 11:20pm which was torturous. I find moving my head rolling, rotating, rocking, feels terrific. Headbanging on the way home was intense to say the least. You really need to walk around on Gabapentin, dancing would be incredible. Walking around town or skipping as you'll be compelled to move more extravagantly would be great also I'm sure.

If you get the philosophical effect, a great drug to chill with friends and talk about whatever comes about. You'll find the most mundane things insanely interesting, and you might find it very hard to keep focus. But still a great little thing.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 28984
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 10, 2004Views: 56,618
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Pharms - Gabapentin (183) : Various (28), General (1)

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