In the Coffeemaker
Syrian Rue, Caffeine & Cannabis
Citation:   indole. "In the Coffeemaker: An Experience with Syrian Rue, Caffeine & Cannabis (exp29093)". Aug 25, 2004.

1.5 g oral Syrian Rue (tea)
    oral Caffeine (tea)
    repeated smoked Cannabis  
After an impressingly visual, yet abrasive experience with passion flower & methamphetamine, I was anxious to experiment with different ratios of various other stimulants in combination with harmine, & when I received my shipment of peganum harmala seeds; their 'used coffee filter' scent alerted me instantly as to which combination I should use...caffeine & harmine.

I ground the seeds into powder using a coffee grinder, & spooned the powder into the coffee maker along with 4 tablespoons of coffee & set to make 4 cups...this I split with my brother. I had mine black & to his he added cream & sugar. Half way through the brew we started smoking our cannabis & I could already feel my mind sort of 'backing up' to get a better view. My thoughts expanded & grew more & more lofty until I just had to say aloud, 'I feel absolutely amazing!' My brother, feeling as wonderous as I, went on his way home. I smoked another joint, & spent most of the night wondering around in awe at the mystery that was my back yard.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 29093
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 25, 2004Views: 4,787
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Syrian Rue (45), Caffeine (11) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Combinations (3)

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