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I Was the Wall (For About 5 Min)
Salvia divinorum (20X Extract)
Citation:   Auggie. "I Was the Wall (For About 5 Min): An Experience with Salvia divinorum (20X Extract) (exp29169)". May 15, 2021.

1 hit smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
Oh man. one night I was on coke, shrooms, acid, alcohol weed and opium at the same. until yesterday I considered that to be the most f-ed up I have ever been. my friends and I went to this pipe shop. as we were there the owner asked if any of us have ever tried salvia. I said I had before, but It didn't make me much more than tired and off-balance. he packed me a hit and told me it was 20x extract and warned me that I would pretty much lose control of myself for about 5 min. oh man did I! I took the hit and remember passing the pipe back to the guy, politely saying thank you may I have anothe...anoth...o..oh..can..I......(peak of trip)........OH! FUCK, MAN!

first few seconds:
I looked up at the red lights on the celing of the store. then the whole room turned red. I looked at the metal rocker head shop owner and he became satin. the red covered the entire room.

about 30 sec-2min:
the room is completely red. . I looked down at the floor. the floor started breaking up and red light seeped through the cracks. all of the sudden the floor caved in and I fell through down a gigantic red well of fire. It doesn't much matter anyway because i had forgotten that I even exist at this point. the experience I can best compare to is lucid dreaming. it is more real feeling than dreaming. all of the sudden i snapped out of my visuals.

2 min-20min:
I am out of my visual high and can't remember where I am. The red lights and dark room tripped me out pretty bad due to the vision impairment already brought on by red lights. Everyone seems very familiar but I don't know where the fuck I am. just then I move and notice how fucking weird it feels. I could not feel my body. but not in the numb sense, I could feel it whenever something touched me, my brain didn't realize that it was my own body. it was like my body and mind were completely separate. I could see myself standing in the middle of the room with everyone else. this is where I became part of the wall. It is hard for me to describe but try to imagine what it would actually feel like to be god. things do not exist to you unless you are looking right at them. i felt like my range of vision was all that existed, and that I was in control. I mentioned something to my friend about how I created and destroyed him, that fucked him up pretty bad because in his trip, the inside of the store was the past, and once we left the store we had walked back to the present.

all in all: I love the short duration of the trip. by the time I remember that I used a drug to feel what I feel, the trip is already less intense, at more of a 'mushroom' level.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 29169
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 15, 2021Views: 579
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Salvia divinorum (44) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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