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Amazing Phazing
2C-T-2, Cannabis & Nitrous Oxide
Citation:   CBright. "Amazing Phazing: An Experience with 2C-T-2, Cannabis & Nitrous Oxide (exp29193)". Nov 1, 2004.

T+ 0:00
25 mg oral 2C-T-2 (powder / crystals)
  T+ 2:20 8.0 mg insufflated 2C-T-2 (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:59 2 hits smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 3:00 1 cart. inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
  T+ 0:59   smoked Cannabis (pill / tablet)
The night started with the intent to pick up the package my friends and I had waited all week for. We had to go through some big rigamarole but eventually the package was in our hands after I signed my name what seemed like two million times. the friend I was with at the time opened up the USPS box and pulled out small bottle covered in packing plastic. 100 mgs 2C-T-2.

Unfortunately the scale that was supposedly going to be at our disposal was not actually available. so we eyed out four quarters dissolved in raspberry tea and drank to our hearts content. I licked off the edge of the card I had used to separate the powder. It tasted familiar, like a pill in general. It actually tasted remarkably like vicodin. My friends and I set the last quarter off to the side. It was there if we decided we needed it later. I was the most well researched in my group of friends. I had selected the initial dosage of 25 mg.

Coming up was fun. We talked a lot and bounced some ideas off of one another. It was great and I didn't feel at all like I would need to be sick. I was on the look out for those symptoms as many 2C-T-2 trips had reported that having to throw up was unavoidable. My expectation of this drug were effects most closely resembling MDMA. However, to my surprise the substance resembled another equally familiar mind altering device. The Psilocybin mushroom. I found this 2C-T-2 trip to be remarkably like mushrooms. I estimate it to be around one and a half hours when I felt the peak effects. And, I found those effects to be quite desirable. Although the visuals were not quite what I was hoping for my sight offered an array of beautiful imagery. The blue icicle lights hanging outside swayed and danced.

At first everything seemed to have had a haze or smoke around it, but now everything seemed vibrant and clear. Colors were tremendously vivid and tracers ran rampant across my field of view. Unlike shrooms however I was not confused, nor did I feel sickly. It was almost as if I was getting all the effects I love about shrooms without having to suffer through all of the unkind body load.

I cannot pinpoint at what time I insuflated my one third of the remaining powder (approximately T+ 2.3 hrs.) we had set aside. I do remember that initially the powder did not burn very strongly, but as time passed it seemed to be manifesting itself. It was only mildly uncomfortable. After smoking two hits from the rotating pipe I almost felt no discomfort at all however.

Somewhere around two to three hours into the trip I inhaled one regular sized balloon of nitrous oxide in the form of a whipped cream charger. I blasted off. Around the 45 second mark I exhaled and screamed out FUCK. It was amazing. However I'm not sure it was that great. I felt as though I had literally been bashed in the skull with a large brick. Eventually those feelings subsided and I felt sane once more. I was not compelled to repeat what had just occurred.

My two friends that were with me had been having a good time as well. But, they seemed to struggle a little more in terms of letting go and letting themselves just be struck by everything. It seemed as though they felt compelled to analyze everything to death. I had decidedly had enough of that whole environment. So after the pipe had gone around once more I got up and immediately decide I was going to walk back to my car that was located at my friends house that we had started at. So my friend and I left our other friend behind at the house with his ex-girlfriend and started walking for his house. The walk was long and it was very cold outside. All of my body felt numb and weak. Walking was not uncomfortable however. The friend I was walking with seemed to be having many, very altering realizations. Conversely, I felt as though I was back down to a plus one. So I really didn't even care to try and relate to what he was thinking. The only thing I can rationalize is that he threw up, so maybe that increased the momentum and magnitude of his trip.

Either way I hardly agreed with anything he said that entire walk to this house. I was really dismissive about many things he said because he kind of sounded like he was freaking out. I reassured him cars weren't going to plow into us walking on the side of the road.

Finally we made our way all the way back to his house. It was about a 4 or 5 mile walk. Hell, maybe it just seemed like it was that long, but thinking about it 4 miles sounds about right. I drove home, only slightly anxious. I was poised and well maintained behind the wheel and had no real difficulty controlling my car. [Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
Home now I gave my dog a good petting and zoomed to my computer to log this experience. I feel at a weak plus one right now (T plus ~ 6 hours). Just slightly detached. In retrospect I'd like to remark that 2C-T-2 is strikingly similar to mushrooms. I had a heck of a good time. But when you are choosing your setting, find some friends that won't flip their lids and give a weird spin to half of your trip.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 29193
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 1, 2004Views: 11,082
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2C-T-2 (53) : Combinations (3), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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