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Citation:   Hendrix. "Problematic: An Experience with Dihydrocodeine (exp29246)". Dec 19, 2006.

    Pharms - Dihydrocodeine (daily)
700-1300 mg

I am a 23 year old Australian guy and I frequently use Rikodeine (dihydrocodeine tartrate) in a liquid suspension. It doesn't have any paracetamol or anything like that in it, just the good stuff. Which you buy from a pharmacy very easily over here. I have become very dependent on it and use it every day. I have broken the habit a few times before, once after a very long period of use. The withdrawal was like fire ants crawling in my intestines and out my eyes, it was like having a severe flu and being par-boiled in hot oil with a head full of ice blocks. The depression after the withdrawal lasted a month and for the first few days I couldn't get out of bed. Yet I still use it everyday now and I am to scared to stop it and go through that again.

I just find the euphoria is just what I need, it gets me through the day, it feeds my body like a line of speed and it lasts for hours. I know what I do is dangerous but I can't stop and the quantities I take are probably doing horrible things to my body.
I guess I'll just have to see what happens.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 29246
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 19, 2006Views: 22,072
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Pharms - Dihydrocodeine (392) : Not Applicable (38), Addiction & Habituation (10)

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