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Nothing Great
Coca (tea)
by Geno
Citation:   Geno. "Nothing Great: An Experience with Coca (tea) (exp29283)". Dec 16, 2003.

11 cups oral Coca (tea)
I went to Peru this summer with my school. We went to Maccu Piccu, and the hotel we were staying at had two big coca tea dispensers. I had not heard anything about coca tea before except for what it makes, and that in Peru, you can buy leaves on the street really cheap. The first few times I had it in Peru, it did nothing, I felt a little energized, but nothing special. So one night, me and my friends had nothing to do, so we went down to the lobby which had the tea. I had a few glasses, and after a while I noticed that I had downed 11 cups of this stuff. After that point, I was actually starting to feel really good. I had lost a little bit of coordination, but nothing too great. There was no noticeable effects to visuals or sound, I just felt really energized, and happy.

I still would take pot any day, but it was free, and I was with my school, and also I was drinking the tea with one of the adults from our trip, no one cares when you are in Peru. The tea tasted really bad for the first few cups, but once I learned to add sugar, I started to really like it. I was drinking at least 1 cup every morning for the rest of the trip instead of coffie. I really wouldn't reccomend to get it in America, it wouldnt be worth the hassle. But if you happen to go to Peru, drink all you can, because it is at most hotels for free, and they dont care how much you drink.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 29283
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 16, 2003Views: 20,768
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Coca (158) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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