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Very Deep Yawns
Clonazepam & Cannabis
Citation:   krafty420. "Very Deep Yawns: An Experience with Clonazepam & Cannabis (exp29303)". Erowid.org. Feb 20, 2018. erowid.org/exp/29303

T+ 0:00
.25 g smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 0:20 1 cig. smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
  T+ 0:57 1 mg oral Pharms - Clonazepam (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:05 .25 g smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 1:42 1 cig. smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
  T+ 2:01 1 mg oral Pharms - Clonazepam (pill / tablet)
  T+ 2:01 .25 g smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 2:29 1 cig. smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
Clonazepam and marijuana

December 17th, 2003 EST

09:30AM Smoked some of my high quality white widow bud. Approx 1/4 gram

09:50AM I went outside to smoke a cigarette and keep an eye out for the Fedex man. Yesterday I ordered 90x2mg Clonazepam from a online pharmacy and I am expecting it any minute now.

10:05AM I went back inside to finish my bowl and check fedex.com

10:17AM FedEx arrived

10:23AM I have finished my bowl and now I have torn open the package and what do my two wonderous eyes do I see, a full bottle of pills, and a prescrition for me.

10:24AM Counted pills, I order 90, I received 104

10:27AM Broke 1 2mg Clonazepam in half, took 1 half or 1mg

10:35AM Smoked another 1/4 gram bowl of the white widow and began typing this report.

11:20AM Finished typing up to this point, from here on out were live.

11:22AM It has been close to an hour since I took the first 1mg dose of Clonazepam and I havent sat up yet, Im going to get up and go outside to smoke a cigarette.

11:31AM Well it has been over an hour now, so I just took the other 1/2 of Clonazepam 1mg. Not sure If I really feel anything other than the normal 'high' of the marijuana. I am going to go watch the last 30 mins of The Price is Right and smoke another bowl. I'll check back in after that.

11:59AM The effects of the Clonazepam are more noticable now, I am yet again going out side to smoke a cigarette.

12:12PM The effect are even more pronounced. I fell very calm, Im having very deep yawns and becoming more sleepy. I am hoping for a nice 8 hour deep sleep, so I can be freshed for work at 11:00PM

12:16PM I am holding off on taking any more today, I cannot miss work tonight, I will experiment later this week when I have 4 days off and later next week when I have 5 days off.

12:18PM I am off to the bedroon to laid down, hopefully I won be back, i all gos well I should fall fast asleep and wake refreshed at 9:00PM, plenty of time to prepare for work.

12:21PM Good night all

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 29303
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 20, 2018Views: 1,655
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Pharms - Clonazepam (125), Cannabis (1) : General (1), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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