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Mysteries Solved
Citation:   M. Hill. "Mysteries Solved: An Experience with 2C-I (exp29365)". Erowid.org. Nov 6, 2007. erowid.org/exp/29365

T+ 0:00
18 mg oral 2C-I (powder / crystals)
  T+ 5:30   smoked Cannabis  
Relevant/Previous experiences: acid, mushrooms, ecstasy, dmt, weed, coke, various opiates, probably some others that I've forgotten.

Setting: My apartment on a cold, rainy December evening with two friends.

I swallow my pill at 7:55 pm. Its a Saturday night and needing something to do other than sit around my apartment, we decide to take the 2ci I bought a week ago. Using the highly sophisticated method of symmetric piling to put the powder into gelcaps, we eagerly (and somewhat nervously, this is a new drug after all) begin our trip.

Or so we thought.

9:30 pm. A full hour and a half later we are still sitting on the couch waiting for anything to happen. Did we take enough? Does this stuff even work? My friend--we'll call him Tijs (as in DJ Tiesto)--is playing GameBoy, saying every once in a while that he is f***ed up, then a minute later saying that he's not. My other friend--he can be Andre (as in ATB)--wanders around a little, plays with the music, and tells Tijs to stop playing the stupid GameBoy. I'll admit that I'm feeling a little bit strange. There's a tightness in my chest, and my legs are tingling. No visuals though, and my mind feels sober. Tijs and his GameBoy are pissing me off too. I want to smash it. Both he and Andre are insisting they're not high to f*** with my head and I don't like it. I need to get away for a minute.

My apartment is fairly small. In the living room there's a couch and table opposite the fireplace, with a chair to the left. Behind the chair double doors open to the bedroom where I'm now standing. I'm starting to feel seriously strange. The tingle in my legs has escalated into more of a power-line hum, and it's spread through most of my body. My chest is still tight and I have to take deep breaths, but it feels good. The carpet's no longer the smooth, mono-colored beige it was two hours ago, but rather has revealed the tiny, intricate, interwoven patterns characteristic of mushroom visuals. Holy s***, I'm tripping.

I come back in and sit down. It's around 11 or later now, and the two fools I'm with don't realize they're tripping. Well, Andre is starting to recognize it--he's been by the stereo dancing a little, probably in response to the weird energy surges we're all feeling. He can see the patterning in the carpet now. 'Capillaries,' he calls them, and that's a good description. We decide to go to the vending machines to get a Coke.

Convinced that I'm not too high to drive to the vending machines, we pile into my car. I pull out less than a car length before I realize that I'm way too messed up to be driving, so I pull back in. Andre gets out of the car, but Tijs starts laughing and tells me to watch the lights as the car moves back and forth. The visuals are intense and amazing--I bounce the car between R & D a few times before Andre pounds on the window (scaring the s*** out of me) to go get our pops.

Back in the apartment now. We've all acknowledged that we're extremely high now and we're ready to have fun. At first we try to trip together, but my mind is too clear to play the stupid games that we play when we're shrooming. I hear myself, and I sound stupid--my mind is a strange mix between clear and jumbled. There's none of the foggy, silly thinking of shrooms, yet there's still that awesome shift in perspective. It's a striking balance between revelation and obscurity, lucidity and confusion. Eum(yin)/Yang of sanity, if you will.

Ancient cultures believed the insane to have seen the face of god, whose awesome power scrambled their minds. This is how I feel now.

Its late, past 1 am and we're still tripping hard. Tijs was scared of this feeling for a while, but he's up and moving now, exploring his high. Its okay, it happens. You just gotta relax, have fun. I realize this applies to more than drugs. Andre is having fun as well--he's never done acid before, so this high must be extremely new to him. We've stopped trying to trip together after a short, miscommunicated debate over whether it is late or not, and are now entertaining ourselves separately. I come to the mighty revelation that we are all on different trips--what I like to think about may freak my friend out. What my friend likes to do may not be fun for me. My perception of the world is based off what I know and is different than anyone else's. Its shocking, and it really opens my eyes.

I smoke. It tastes great and feels good, but I am too messed up from the 2ci to really feel much. My friend makes the startling observation that we are doing the exact same thing as any average weekend. We would be bored out of our minds, but instead we are having the time of our lives. The only thing that has changed is a chemical in our bodies.

Andre gets up, tells us to stare into the LEDs on my turntables. They are beautiful--a bright blue star that seems to reach into me and pull me into it....

3:30 am. The drug has mostly worn off, leaving me tired. I drift into sleep surprisingly easy.

Overview: Mean body high, great visuals. Very long onset (almost 2 hours!!!)--don't get impatient. I felt a little sick to my stomach while I was coming up, but it went away. Comedown was nice and smooth--when I wasn't high anymore, I just went to sleep. The next morning I felt perfectly fine (8 hrs sleep) and I've been in a fantastic mood ever since. I'm not afraid to say that this drug has change my life for the better.

This drug is very powerful. I would compare it more to acid than to ecstasy. Its also a lot of fun. Like any drug, know your body. Overall I would be willing to do it again.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 29365
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 6, 2007Views: 4,096
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2C-I (172) : Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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