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Paxil and the Psychiatric Experience
Paroxetine (Paxil) & Various
by Tara
Citation:   Tara. "Paxil and the Psychiatric Experience: An Experience with Paroxetine (Paxil) & Various (exp29383)". Nov 3, 2007.

5.0 mg oral Pharms - Paroxetine (daily)
Having experienced several depressions through the years and refusing to take anti-depressants, I finally caved and went onto 20 mg of Paxil. As long as I remained on it I was fine. Both times, in January of 2002 and then March of 2003 within 3 weeks of quitting it I went into a mania which led me to the psychiatric hospital both times.

The first one I became paranoid and was picked up by the police and unwillingly admitted. The second one I admitted myself for assessment and was again admitted without the right to leave. Both times I was then pumped full of a variety of anti-psychotic medicines such as respiradol and who knows what else. I was also put onto Zyprexia and some other drug. Three weeks after leaving the hospital I removed myself from everything except the Paxil successfully and was fine until I once again tried to stop Paxil.

I was taking Chinese herbs at the time, doing yoga and trying to stay calm but sleep eluded me. I gradually became more outgoing, creative and talkative and eventually wasn't able to complete any of the projects I was doing and then became argumentative. Both times in my psychotic state I had an affair with a man I had known back in high school even though I had sixteen years of marriage with no such intentions or mishaps. I am currently on Paxil 5 mg, scared to stop entirely but wanting to; Tegratol which is an anti-seizure medicine; and Adivan to help me sleep. I have been diagnosed as bi-polar but tended to just go through depressions every fall until all of this happened.

I was also put onto Lithium with tremors and vomiting for side effects. The doctors have tried Valproic acid which made me lose masses of my long red hair. My sex drive and creativity are at an all time low since I began Paxil about five years ago and I have generally relied on vitamins and good eating and dance for my sense of well being. I would like to know more and find out if there is any legal action that can be pursued in Canada. It has almost cost me my marriage and had caused a lot of anguish for my teenage children.

Also, one of my sons went through a bout of depression and was prescribed Paxil and it made him psychotic and violent. He was taken off of it and put onto another anti-depressant of the same family with similar effects. He was then moved to another hospital with increased problems and eventually I took him off of everything and we went to a doctor of chinese medicine and within a month he was recovering and within three, completely well. At sixteen he is once again on an antidepressant called Trazadone to help him sleep.

Please, if you can find the time, send us any advice or recommendations so that we can solve this. I feel trapped and although I may have been a person with greater ups and downs than some, the Paxil withdrawals and subsequent hospitalizations and mis-diagnosis have put my family and I through a great deal.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 29383
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 3, 2007Views: 15,255
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Pharms - Paroxetine (148) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Families (41), Medical Use (47), Depression (15), Hangover / Days After (46), Post Trip Problems (8), Health Problems (27), Not Applicable (38)

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