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The Mirror
Citation:   Mushroom Trip. "The Mirror: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp29459)". Apr 28, 2007.

6.0 g oral Mushrooms (fresh)
I was never much of a hallucinogenic kind of guy. Though the times I did mushrooms or starved myself of sleep, the experiences were always memorable. One night while sitting on a street corner watching a few of my friends make asses of themselves (they drank themselves stupid) a friend of mine had came across us. Him and his cousin had been picking Canada’s finest mushrooms all day for the past week. We live on Prince Edward Island and if anybody here has heard we supposedly have some of the best Psilocybin Mushrooms in the world. But then again that maybe blatant patriotism but all the out of towners that indulge while here are pleasantly surprised.

So He has a shitload of shrooms, I take a handful, take another handful and end up eating 6. 6 handfuls of mushrooms didn’t seem to intense at first but as the night progressed they intensified. I began on a journey with my close friend Josh and his friend Wayne. Wayne walked back and talked with me asking me questions about my life while Josh clumsily stumbled in front of me, he wasn’t drunk just lanky and oversized.

As we walked I explained to Wayne that we all have numerous lives each one a mask of who we really are to impress others. How we act with our parents, our teachers and girls. I told him that concrete is evil because it covers life and blankets the world with death. Throughout the night I ranted and babbled about things I didn’t think I thought about. I talked to everyone I seen and ended up at a patch of grass. In fact the first patch we had seen on our journey. I pointed to it and said “Look, look at the energy, its aura. That my friend is life.” I stood there and told my two companions we should sit here for a while.

“No lets go to BK(burger king)” They replied. I needed to go to the bathroom so I went in. I don’t know if I peed or not because all that stands out in my mind is me looking at the mirror and seeing my self drip and reform and swivel. I leaned forward to the mirror and look at myself I was perceiving myself differently. I was glowing and flowing like energy. I grabbed the edge of the mirror and started to pull. What happens next is unbelievable but I believe it to be true. As I was looking in the mirror and seen me in a more pure form I transcended slightly and was able to manipulate the mirrors physical form through energy or something because as I pulled it bent like rubber. In a curve as though it was flowing like energy as well. As I witnessed what I was doing I looked at Wayne and said “The mirror is bending.”

Then it snapped down the middle and fell off the wall. My two companions ran out of the room in terror and out the door. In disbelief I walked out of the bathroom as the manager was running over to see what the loud noise followed by two boys running away was. I looked at her and said “What just happened?” She took me into a room and sat me down. “Don’t move I’m calling the police.” She said as she left the room and assigned a large man to watch the door so I couldn’t escape. While I sat in the room I began to think and then shuddered it off thinking to myself this was some non-reality and the rules don’t apply.

Soon she came back and told me to sit in the dining area. There my 2 companions had returned and were sitting waiting for the arrival of the police. I instructed them to tell the police that the mirror was slanted and when I tried to fix it, it simply fell. When the police arrived a short scrawny one was angry and yelling at us.. then he took Wayne aside and tried to pressure him into telling the truth. “Nobody will get in trouble all we want to know is who broke the mirror.” Wayne crumbled and said me. Through my mind I kept thinking about how weak he is and how pathetic of a person Wayne is.

The small cop walked away and I began to yell at the humble yet larger cop. “Do I look like a rowdy person!?!?! Do you think I would’ve walked into Burger King and smashed a mirror for kicks?!?!?!”

“Did I say you were rowdy?” the cop replied. “Well Am I getting charged?!?!?!” I retorted. “Lower your voice, and Did I say you were getting charged?” the cop came back with. I sat back mumbled “good” and stayed quiet. The police told us we’d have to pay for the mirror and then sent us on our way. As I left BK I looked at Josh and Wayne and said “That my friends, was a mushroom trip gone terribly, terribly wrong.” I went home and lied in bed thinking about what had happened, my life, and everything else. The night made me realize I was going to spin out of control with the amount of drugs that I’d be doing and made me realize school should be number 1. After that I slowed down and focused hard on school. It was intense, and I now love mushrooms.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 29459
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 28, 2007Views: 13,907
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Mushrooms (39), Police / Customs (60) : General (1), Nature / Outdoors (23), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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