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What the Hell Happened?
Nitrous Oxide
by BuBu
Citation:   BuBu. "What the Hell Happened?: An Experience with Nitrous Oxide (exp2958)". Dec 9, 2001.

3 hits inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
I had gone over a friends house S with my Buddy B one day to smoke pot and to generally see what's up. When we got there he walked out the door with a big smile on his face and some things that looked like they would be connected to a tank. Knowing where he worked I knew what was up.

He took out a tank that stood about waist height and had about 1000 pounds of pressure inside. We kept taking turns hitting it and it was basically what I expected. A few times were more intense than others. I noticed that with the more times I hit it the more intense it got and the closer I got to passing out.

I will tell you about the most intense trip of nitrous I had in my life that day. My friend B kept taking 3 hits each time and told me I should try it. 3 hits meant I would fill my lungs up fully breathe out and with out breathing in any oxygen repeat 2 more. Well I filled my lungs up 3 times and immediatly laid down to prevent falling over and getting a nasty bump.

As I laid there all I could do was sit there and think. No movement involved. This is hard to explain but I saw two flashes that would repeatedly flash back and forth. This is all I could see and I couldn't get up or react to anything. I could still think totally straight and I remember thinking 'I wonder what B and S are doing' I thought maybe they were just looking at me laying there cause I seriously couldn't get up. It was like I lost reality and all there was was my brain the video game noise that went wa wa wa and of course those 2 annoying flashes. I had no concept of time but I know I got up at one point and just blurted out 'Holy Shit!' After that I felt numb and laughed for couple seconds as I came down.

I love that drug. The only 2 problems I have with it are that when I have a large amount I just don't want to stop even though there are no withdrawels (at least that I have experienced). I just want to get fucked again and again. I am also worried that frequent use will permanatly fuck up my brain.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 2958
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 9, 2001Views: 10,509
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Nitrous Oxide (40) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Glowing Experiences (4)

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