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Citation:   Super J-. "Wonderful...: An Experience with Piracetam (exp29732)". May 16, 2006.

1600 mg oral Piracetam (pill / tablet)
Well I must say that as usual the FDA is well off the ball about Piracetam. Even with a doctors prescription, CVS, (and all others) didn't even know what it is. So I went online, found a place in Belgium, and am feeling fine.

Back in 1999:
I used to love Mondo 2000, and when I was in Asia, I saw a box of the stuff, in 800mg tablet form. I bought it, and remembered reading 'High First Dose', and so took about 8 pills, the first time, and I must say wow. My sensory perception has always been good, but never so refined. I could pick up, and understand, the jist at least, of conversations in multiple languages. I now attribute my abilities in Laotian, Thai, Chinese, and Japanese to these little creamsicle color pills.

I now take a lesser dose about three times a week, more or less regularly and when it is working, 30-60mins. after ingestion, it just lifts me to a new playing field. I have always been a pretty creative guy, but once again, holy cow, this stuff is brilliant for making one think, or rather letting one think and following the thread of an idea consciously.

It really works for me, and have since experimented with other prescription nootropics, but Piracetam is my all time favorite. I have put the more adventurous of my freinds onto the stuff, with generally beneficial results.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 29732
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 16, 2006Views: 14,105
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Piracetam (95) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)

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