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Mental Dismemberment In The K-hole
Ketamine, MDMA (Ecstasy), Cocaine, Alcohol & Cannabis
Citation:   PhuckedUp. "Mental Dismemberment In The K-hole: An Experience with Ketamine, MDMA (Ecstasy), Cocaine, Alcohol & Cannabis (exp29761)". Nov 10, 2007.

T+ 0:00
1.0 g smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 0:00   repeated oral Alcohol (liquid)
  T+ 4:30 250 mg insufflated Cocaine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 5:30 1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  T+ 6:15 400 mg insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 12:30   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
It was early December of 2003, the night started at my buddy's apartment. It ended out being my first experience with ketamine, and the most intense trip of my life.

Approx 8:30pm - 10:00: We smoked a couple good bowls of some nice weed watching tv, about a gram I’d say, just leaving a little for the comedown the next morning. I had a pretty nice head high. We drank a half a 40oz of rum between the pair of us and headed off to the clubs for some more drinking, just a typical Saturday night.

11:00pm - 2:00am: Plenty of drinking, nothing exciting really, just typical clubbing.

2:00am: Finally the night was starting, my roommate picked up a half gram of coke from a friend at the club and we split it half in a back room before heading of to our favorite afterhours spot.

3:00am: We got to the afterhours club and picked up a tab of E each, went to the washroom and washed her down with some water.

3:30am: I wasn't feeling anything really, the coke had sobered me up from the alcohol and the E still hadn't kicked in. This is about when we were offered a half gram of K. I'd never done ketamine before and was pretty anxious to try it, my friend was a little less excited but picked up the bag for us anyway.

3:45am: I was definitely feeling the E by now, it was a beautiful warm roll, I had that same big dumb grin on my face as always. I was just happy to be at that spot at that point in time. Nothing could have felt more right. I felt light as a feather. It wasn't too speedy and there was little or no jaw clenching at all. We each had a couple bumps of K at this time.

This is where I lost all concept of time. I hadn't done a whole lot of research on ketamine beforehand and wasn't very familiar with the dosage. Nor the fact that I shouldn't have been drinking beforehand (which left e quite sore the following day). Over what I figure to be about a half hour I finished what was left of the K to myself and headed upstairs in hopes of finding a good k-hole. After a short wait I became irritated by the thought of sitting still. I wanted to move, I wanted to enjoy the music and dance, I hadn't expected the K to hit me at all, so I proceeded back downstairs to the dancefloor.

About halfway down the narrow staircase moving became incredibly difficult. Just the way many people describe it in other trip reports involving ketamine. Things became very slow. My movement felt robotic in a sense. It seemingly took forever to work my way down that staircase, though I’m sure it was only a couple minutes at most. I had no concept of time whatsoever, quick mundane tasks felt as though they'd taken an eternity, other longer periods of time seemed to flash by in an instant. I felt this same loss of time throughout most of the night. At times it was frightening, other times I couldn't have been happier. It seemed like forever that I hadn't seen a familiar face, I didn't care, I was in my own world, far away from everyone.

Then I got to the dancefloor and it hit me, the k-hole I was waiting for, and it brought with it one of the most profound hallucinations of my life. I lost feeling in my body, though in my head I could sense my legs moving forward disconnected from my body. My torso was left hovering in midair, my legs moving forward away from it, my consciousness slipping out of my body to the right. I saw this, I visualized the whole event happening. The lights and room were spinning violently around me, I was the center of everything for that moment. Oddly I wasn't the least bit scared by the occurrence.

Then I snapped back to normal semi-rational thought. Still in the hole, but no longer lost in the brief yet intense hallucination I had experienced. It had felt like a split second, set into super slow motion. Another loss of time perception. Some dancers helped me to a couch on the side of the floor, from that point on I don't remember much of the ketamine experience. I was lost in a deep re-evaluation of my life. Plenty of irrational thoughts were planted in my brain that took days to clear away. Ketamine can be very, very convincing.

Eventually the K had wore off, I figure it lasted somewhere between 2 and 3 hours. Either way I had a good couple hours to roll before my peak had come down once I’d regained control of my body. I spent that time dancing way, the music was incredibly intense, I fell right into the groove. The music flowed within me.

Around 9:00am we left, and caught a bus ride home, the ride through downtown was amusing, I was in awe of the skyscrapers. Geometric shapes took on an incredible beauty for the ride. I inspected every face and edge with an attention I would never have given on a sober day. We got home, finished smoking our bud watched Clerks and passed out.

All in all I considered it one of the best trips of my life, I've certainly had nothing else compare to it. I'm a little smarter about my combining of drugs too though, I had a fairly bad crash for a couple days. I suspect I overdosed myself on the K pretty hard for a first time trip. I'll research new drugs a little more from now on.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 29761
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 10, 2007Views: 9,057
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