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The Night The World Came
by Lag
Citation:   Lag. "The Night The World Came: An Experience with LSD (exp29920)". Jan 9, 2018.

4 hits   LSD (blotter / tab)
It was winter in 2003. I was sitting around my house my parents were gone on business. I found an old vial filled with small blotter papers. I knew what they were when I saw them. I decided to take two and see what would happened. Nothing happened. So I took 2 more. I gave up. I went to bed.

Not long after a few hours tops I woke up around 4 am for reasons unknown turned on the light and the world was different. My bedsheet that had little black dots on it was moving up and down and the dots turned into triangles and back to dots. I walked down my hall which seemed to continue forever into the bathroom where I saw my pupils were completely diallated. I adventured to my computer to talk to people online. It took it forever to start. My whole body was knumb I felt no pain. The walls were breathing. I got up and stared at a clock and every 4 seconds in my mind was 1 second. I couldn't sleep that whole night. I stayed up listening to my mp3 player. I had to go to school. My sister gave me a ride she had no clue what was going on. The first thing that happened when I got into school was all my friends knew I was blown out. The tiles on the floor where like a never ending chess board. The lockers on the walls were brilliant colors and everyone was beautiful. In total my adventure lasted 7 hours. 2 hours to start. I've already used up the rest of the blotters foolishly.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 29920
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 9, 2018Views: 1,029
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LSD (2) : Various (28), First Times (2), General (1)

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