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Nutmeg: Bomb
Citation:   Liquidou812. "Nutmeg: Bomb: An Experience with Nutmeg (exp2996)". Mar 4, 2001.

1 oz oral Nutmeg (ground / crushed)
I decided to try nutmeg after observing on My experience was a complete bomb. I experienced nothing. There was a Float Frenzy in my town where everyone makes a float and floats down the river. Afterwards there is a big party. I decided to try the nutmeg at the party. I had a few beers, then went to my car with a buddy of mine. We had each bought a small container of ground nutmeg. It was about 1 1/8 ounce (31 grams). Each of us poured almost all the container into a glass of water. We stirred it for what seemed like about 5 minutes. It was 4:20 at the time. I'm on probation, so I was not smoking reefer. We gulped down the drink. It tasted terrible.

Right after drinking, we felt...odd. It was as if everything seemed not quite real. And that was about the extent of it. We waited about 2 hours for anything else. Since nothing else happened we gave up on the nutmeg and started drinking beer again. But, when I tried, I got terrible heartburn and I couldn't drink. So, we caught up with another friend and did a couple lines. The night went on and I didn't feel anything besides the coke and little amount of beer I drank. So my experience was a flop. I plan to try it again, with fresher nutmeg. The kind we used could be bought at any grocery store. I believe that the brand was 'Sauers'. Next time I'm going to buy nutmeg and grind it myself and put it in a banana milkshake, I think that should kill the taste. I'll get back to you on it. Good luck.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 2996
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 4, 2001Views: 10,354
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Nutmeg (41) : First Times (2), Large Group (10+) (19)

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