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Intent, Space, Love, and How To
Citation:   The Magus. "Intent, Space, Love, and How To: An Experience with 5-MeO-DMT (exp30031)". Erowid.org. Jan 15, 2004. erowid.org/exp/30031

7.5 mg smoked 5-MeO-DMT (powder / crystals)
I have been involved in 5 meo research for going on six years. Here's the skinny on doing it right, safely and profoundly. I (or we) have administered this marvelous substance to some 50 people, and of them, only two had experiences that they wouldn't want to repeat after having gone through the whole experience, and only one got sick (she'd been drinking alcohol unbeknownst to us). Smoking, or vaporizing in a glass pipe, is the way we usually administer, and it's never less than 5 mg and never more than 10 mg. The amount in the device is less important than how it's smoked. Insufflated, it can cause sickness, but it's a profound purging and is unquestionably part and parcel of the power and necessity of the experience if that is the way you choose to do it.

Do not mix with alcohol. It's not so much the danger (minimal but present) but simply a waste of time and a waste of this most precious substance. If you've used cannabis, it won't matter - it will overwhelm it completely.

The place should be outdoors if possible, and if that's not possible then a place that is inviting and warm, someone's house that is known for this, for example, with subtle lighting and smooth music. There should be people you know and trust, who will recognize that this, at least for the next 20 minutes, is your experience and they are there to serve you with Love until it is their turn (should they have the courage to proceed after watching you!). They should of course avoid speech, or at least just whisper because as anybody knows that uses it a single sound of any kind can modify the experience, and they should be ready (if you're fortunate enough to have someone with this knowledge) to help you move energy through your chakras.

We have checked the pulse of every single aspirant, and it is never higher than you might get by walking briskly. It's incredible that an experience on this level can have such little manifestation in bodily processes.

A comfortable place on floor or ground, sleeping bag, pillow/s, etc., and if possible in a place where there are no prickly types of plants in case you were to thrash about during your chakra clearing phase.

The subject sits in a position so that he or she can lie back onto the pillow at just the right moment. The first hit should be as full as they can handle without coughing. The second hit should be just a gentle, air-filled, sort of smooch or two of the pipe so that it could be considered a half or three-quarter hit. They should hold it for at least ten seconds if they can, but by now they might be saying, 'Holy Shit. Holy God. Oh my God!' as they're lying back and you're taking the pipe from their hand. Don't forget to take the pipe after the second hit. If they can still communicate with you in 30 seconds, they might not have had enough. If they can take a little more right then, it might work. If not, it's at least an hour wait.

This is generally what takes place. Within 20 seconds they've pierced the veil and the world that is the consensus construct maintained by our agreement dissolves into raw data of underlying reality, the quantum realm, usually, if you can manage to keep your eyes open, in converging geometric forms. Within a few more seconds, you're being called upon to 'let go' of what you think you are. That you have died may come to mind. This is an important part of the experience because you simply are not what you think you are until you come to understand this very fact through whatever means is necessary to get you there.

The 'letting go' is very important, and we tell people every time to remember to let go, and to breathe through it. We've also had many say something like, 'I had no choice but to let go, which makes it easier to get through this.' These are the only two 'necessities' to maximize the awesome benefits of this experience: to breathe and to let go. We say, you'll fight it - it's your very survival that feels threatened, and that survival instinct is deliberately installed software or we wouldn't even be here, but it's also tied very precisely to ego. It's pointless to fight it, and is the only thing that makes it unpleasant. It is of course terrifying, but when you were a kid there were movies you watched between your fingers for the same reason.

There will come a moment between two neighboring junctures in time where, if you've let go, you move beyond self-awareness. This is important in the ego death, because if you're self-aware then you know your name, and you still believe that the name defines the thing named. Then, if you have let go and crossed the threshold, what you might recall later, you have gone through the Door of Brahma, through the pineal gland, and have come to that in you that is God, the Face of Creation, and you might even recall touching it for just a brief second. You become everything and nothing, and no words can describe it and nothing, absoltely nothing, can prepare you for the power of the experience.

It blows the chakras wide open and clears, in one fell swoop, eons of clutter from previous embodiments. Sometimes this clearing will be expressed with a primal scream.

We have seen people go into full-blown jack-knife 'sit-ups' with their head clanging harmlessly into their knees while screaming at the tops of their lungs time and time and time again but with a giant smile on their face throughout. People with more clutter in their subtle bodies (which usually means people over 30 who haven't been through the experience) will have a more violent physical reaction, every time, but they will have little or no recollection of it. We have seen young women, early 20s, with no baggage simply smile, eyes wide open and unseeing, shrieking 'Weeeee, weeeee. It's God, weeeeeee!'

We have had people thrash about the floor, flinging themselves across seven and even eight feet of space, exorcising demons as it were (and this is exactly what was taking place), and if a casual onlooker were to walk into the room they might think that an exorcism is underway, but it is unfailingly beautiful, and every one of them knew that it was the most important event of their life. For this, mindful sitters should be ready for anything to prevent injury from something as stupid as an overturned candle. We have seen many many times something absolutely beautiful beyond description rise into the features of the aspirant and stay, never to dissolve.

I myself have done it 15 times, which is where I finally experienced the shaman's death and stayed immersed in the experience for 36 straight hours, which essentially terminated in a battle with beings who are stuck in the 4d astral and who actually needed guidance to get out. And I was still to some extent in it for the next 5 days (although activities for daily living weren't a problem, and nobody was the wiser). It took a friend of mine 50 times to achieve that same state. That five day period, where the senses are so heightened that it is easy to weep with joy over the beauty of a flower, or the the ecstacy of your son's hair, or the billion souls you see in his eyes, is what the next stage of humanity is about. That's why we were shown this, so that we can be a part of the lifting of the veil which is happening even as I write.

Bear in mind that you have given the pineal gland its food, and now it's going to rise out of its relative atrophy and begin to function the way it's supposed to. This means that you might get full-blown experiences similar to the 5 meo experience days later, after falling asleep (because your pineal gland produces 5 meo dmt in minute amounts at night) [Erowid Note: As far as we know, the claim that 5-MeO-DMT is released in the pineal gland has not been shown in scientific studies.] Just remember that you're advancing to higher frequencies and remember to just breathe and trust.

Go well and with peace - the details will take care of themselves.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 30031
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 15, 2004Views: 13,793
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5-MeO-DMT (58) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Mystical Experiences (9), General (1)

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