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Ice Cream
Citation:   Kamahl. "Ice Cream: An Experience with Nutmeg (exp30059)". Oct 19, 2006.

1.8 nuts oral Nutmeg (ground / crushed)
Yesterday, a friend of mine and I decided that we needed to get high one way or another. Seeing as illicit drugs are difficult to come by where we live, we decided that we we're either gonna do DXM or nutmeg on this particular day. The friend (call him G) convinced me that nutmeg is on today痴 menu. Personally, I would have preferred DXM, but now I知 glad that nutmeg it was. Until this particular day, I had thought nutmeg, having tried it twice, produced no real 'fun' effects. Third time's a charm, perhaps?

The time was about 12:00 noon when we decided what we would do for the remainder of the day. First we planned how we were going to consume the semi-nasty flavored and textured nutmeg. I had learned from my previous attempts, that ice-cream is a good medium for the substance. So, we bought ice-cream, some chocolate sauce and whipped cream. Back at the apartment, we proceeded to grind up the nuts (whole fresh nuts, the preground stuff didn稚 work for me), 2 for each participant. However, due to the limitations of a cheese grater, the actual amount consumed is perhaps closer to 1.8 nuts. I can only hold on to so small a piece of nutmeg without grating your fingers.

Having ground the nuts, we both took a fairly large portion of the vanilla ice-cream, and poured the nutmeg on it. Then we mixed and mashed and stirred the ice-cream long enough for it to be the consistency of soft-serve and have a uniform concentration of nutmeg. Then we added a fair amount of chocolate sauce (not syrup, a kinda creamy chocolate sauce, not too strong flavored) and mixed it all in, so we had an evenly flavored and textured concoction. Finally, we added some whipped cream and mixed again (I don稚 think this is needed, it tasted fine without).

So, eventually I had in front of me a bowlful of what looked like chocolate soft-serve ice-cream with fine sand in it. Time to see how it tastes. I hesitantly place the spoon in my mouth, fearing the worst. It tasted like chocolate ice-cream with a touch of nutmeg aroma. Quite pleasant actually! I had absolutely no trouble eating all the ice-cream, and neither did G (in fact he had finished his before I had finished mixing mine, he wasn't as patient). This ice-cream functioned as my breakfast, as I hadn't eaten before this for the whole day.

This mixture was consumed at around 1:00 pm. We then continued doing whatever we felt like at the time. This ended up being one movie, some internet surfing, and some miscellaneous television for about 2ス hours. G had only the day previous returned from a trip to America, so he had some jetlag. As a result, he started feeling sleepy quite early. After about 1ス hours from taking the ice-cream, I felt tired myself, seeing as I had slept maybe 4 hours the night previous. So, I decided to try snorting a caffeine pill, as I had heard that wakes one up instantly. This I did, leaving me feeling strange in my nose for a while, and having a little too much energy hence acting restless.

Eventually at around 15:30 G's girlfriend comes home, and soon afterwards (I知 on the computer) I look behind me and see them sleeping on the couch. Awww... 'how sweet' I think to myself for a second and then realise how utterly bored I am. So, I sneak out, leave and drive home. [Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]

At this point (T+ 2:30) I start noticing that the caffeine pill seems to be wearing off, as I started feeling a little tired again. Or not really tired, more like my eyes feel tired.
I get home, and get on the computer to do whatever to kill time.

Another hour later, I start noticing a mild body buzz. I知 thinking to myself, 'hey this is actually working'. The feeling isn't too strong at this phase, but its definitely there, and that leaves me anticipant of what is to come.

At about 17:00 (T+ 4:00) I really started focusing on how I felt. The body buzz had escalated to the level that I was actually comparing it to the feeling ecstasy gives you just as the come up starts. I was quite enjoying the feeling, whilst still killing time on the web.

By the time its 18:00, I知 well and truly on the way to becoming utterly stoned. I知 giggling constantly to every remotely funny thing I read, the buzzing ever-present and I decide I have to tell G how I知 feeling. I send him a text message, hoping he'll get online. I receive no reply. Half an hour later I message him again, and he says he wants to sleep now, and hell talk later. So I become frustrated because I can't inform him how good I feel.

At 19:00 (T+ 6:00) I知 mega-stoned. I知 having wild mind associations, slight visuals (my hands seemed 'animated'), snickering uncontrollably at everything with a very heavy body buzz that feels great. At this time I知 still frustrated because I cant communicate these feelings to anybody. So I just continue surfing idly and listening to some chill-out music, which sounds terrific. At this point I check my eyes in the mirror, and they look glazed and are quite red. They also felt somewhat irritated the whole evening, but not enough to be distracting.

I continue the surfing for a couple more hours, becoming more and more stoned constantly, although very gradually. Eventually G comes online, and I contact him. Only to find that his girlfriend is lurking near the computer so he cant talk about this right now. So I, feeling that I知 about to accomplish my mission (of telling him how good I feel, because that痴 what it was at this stage; a mission), feel anxious to tell him everything I知 going through.

At this moment I was peaking for sure, it was about 21:30, so 8ス hours after taking the nutmeg. I literally felt x-like symptoms of touch enhancement and general semi-orgasmic internal buzz (lasted only a few minutes though). When I finally did get to tell him how fun this is, the most pleasurable body load part ends. It痴 as if finally getting to talk to someone released the pressure that had been building inside, in the form of pleasure. So I was a little upset that the body buzz subsided somewhat.

From there on, for the next 3 hours or so, I periodically chat to G and surf the net while constantly listening to the chillout music. I知 still making some pretty bizarre mind associations and generally having some strange if not amusing thoughts. For the entire duration of the high I had been thinking to myself that this is ALMOST exactly like weed. It is hard to determine exactly what was lacking about it in relation to marijuana, but it was definitely very close. I determined it to have slightly less of the headf*** effect of cannabis, but more of the body load.

Eventually, at around 1:00 am (T+ 12:00) I decide to go to bed, the general feeling has become less stoned, while still posessing some buzzing internally. But I can definitely feel my tiredness at this stage. So I crawl into bed, thinkin 僧 gonna sleep like a log for the next 16 hours, as I had read. But alas; sleep would not come. Instead, I lay there for a couple of hours perhaps thinking the most bizarre and irrelevant things imaginable. I wish I could recall some of those thoughts, but they evade me.

I have no recollection of when I actually fell asleep. The strange thoughts eventually took on a dreamlike quality, so the actual line between awake and asleep was totally blurred. I assume by 3:30 am I was asleep, but I cannot be sure.

Throughout the night I kept waking up to having off-the-scale cottonmouth, but a sip of a water bottle I had beside my bed eased that instantly each time, allowing me to quickly fall asleep again.

I was waken up by a phone call at 10:00 am, after which I continued to sleep (and wake periodically) for another 5 hours. I then got up to notice that I was STILL mildly buzzing. No negative hangover what so ever, more a kind of buzzing, relaxed, somewhat lethargic state. I heard later that G had waken up at 18:00, so he certainly got the long sleep.

Summing up, I had a long high lasting about 8 hours, which started properly about 3-4 hours after ingesting the nutmeg. All in all, it was an extremely pleasurable experience.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 30059
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 19, 2006Views: 13,915
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Nutmeg (41) : Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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