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Artificial Intelligence and the Needle
2-Aminoindan (IM)
by theo
Citation:   theo. "Artificial Intelligence and the Needle: An Experience with 2-Aminoindan (IM) (exp30081)". Jan 16, 2004.

50 mg IM 2-Aminoindan
Artificial intelligence. Thats what we call 2-AI around here.. After reading all the hyped up reports we bought 10G only to be dissapointed with oral and intranasal use. Recently reports of IV use of 2-AI emerged. Only having minor prior experience with the needle I decided to use it in my muscle rather than vein. I weighed out 100mg of the powder and seperated it into two piles. The powder readily dissolved in .2 CC's of distilled water. Next I shot it into the side of my leg.

About 10-15 minutes later I was very impressed with the effects. A very nice stimulation and pleasant state of mind soon began. My mouth dried up and I had a tight feeling in my chest, that is characteristic of my bodies reaction to amphetamines. I had a 3 hour car ride ahead and it made it enjoyable. This is apparently the best way to administer 2-AI. Little to no comedown or after effects.

I found 40mg orally to produce too much anxiety. 20mg intranasal produced little if no effects.


Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 30081
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 16, 2004Views: 20,151
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2-Aminoindan (291) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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