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More Addictive Than Heroin
Amphetamines - Adderall
Citation:   AD#1fan. "More Addictive Than Heroin: An Experience with Amphetamines - Adderall (exp30224)". Jun 12, 2007.

  repeated   Amphetamines (pill / tablet)
In my oppinion, I am a moderate to highly experienced experimenter with several substances. Since I made the leap from the occasional weekend drinker into the world of illicit drugs, I have used marijuana, cocaine, ecstasy, ambien (sleeping pills), hydrocodone, oxycodone, heroin, methadone, xanax, adderall, and mushrooms. With the exception of one hospital visit, I have had positive experiences with all of the substances.

No matter how many people say that heroin and cocaine are addictive after one use, I must disagree. By and far, Adderall is the most intensely addictive drug I have taken.

I first tried Adderall (AD) during my first year of college to help me study for a biology exam. It was the first time I had ever been entertained by a text book. My roomate and I both took one 20mg tablet apiece. We must have reviewed the same page in the bio book 10 or 15 times before we were satisfied that we had learned it.

Since last year, I have taken AD more times that I can count. If I hear someone talking about it, I want it. If I see it sitting in someones bathroom I'll steal some. The feeling it gives me makes it irrelevant who I'm stealing it from. Nothing matters but snaggin that bottle.

My effective dose has risen from 20mg/night to anywhere between 50 and 100mg. I often start with 20-30mg and pop another 10mg pill every hour or so until I run out or start to feel sick. The effects make me contented doing nearly anything and being with nearly anyone. The majority of the time I will just chill out and watch movies one after another. I feel like I must be actively involved with something. Over the past 8 hours I have take 8 of my 10 pills. It is now 3:30 AM. As I type, I am listening to music and watching TV and couldn't be happier.

I'm strongly fighting the urge to finish off my last two pills. If I do, there is no chance I'll sleep tonight. I want those pills so bad. Heroin (or any other opiate) has never made me desire repetitive doses. The heroin high makes me borderline if not completely comatose. When I wake up the next morning I feel tired, but I don't crave another dose. On the contrary, I have sat up for 48 hours popping AD. If I have any left after I binge, I may take a couple day break before I start again. Without a doubt, if I possess AD, I will take it anywhere and anytime. It just has that strong of a grasp on me.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 30224
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 12, 2007Views: 12,717
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Amphetamines (6) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Not Applicable (38)

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